"Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list."? Hmmm. That's a bit of a blanket denial, considering I was technically on-topic. L. hands up, anyone who is subscribed to _every_ IETF list. <http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/><L.Wood@ee.surrey.ac.uk> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2003 08:27:35 -0500 From: asrg-admin@ietf.org To: l.wood@eim.surrey.ac.uk Subject: Request to mailing list Asrg rejected Your request to the Asrg mailing list Posting of your message titled "Re: [Asrg] SHEESH!" has been rejected by the list moderator. The moderator gave the following reason for rejecting your request: "Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list." Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator at: asrg-admin@ietf.org