On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Vernon Schryver wrote: > > > There are other things the IETF lists should do instead. To start, > > > they should rejectm mail with MIME content headers declaring mail is > > > not English, and specifically reject JP, KR, and GB character sets. > > > > The IETF has no foreign language special interest groups? Like on > > character sets and internationalization? It would be as dumb as a > > pharmaceutical company banning the V word. > > If there are any IETF working group mailing lists that do not use > ASCII-English, then those should be exempted. However, as far as I > know, there are no such mailing lists. Because of the nature of the > IETF, there I doubt any such WG list should use anything but the global > international standard character set. The IETF is supposed to be > international, and that means that its official communications must > use the international language. That the international email language > today happens to involve a national varient of an old international > character set is an accident of history that is handy for some of us, > unfortunate for others, and unchangable for the foreseeable future > for all of us. UTF-8. L. <http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/><L.Wood@ee.surrey.ac.uk>