Topic: Object-Oriented Database Management System Query Language using URI syntax. Let me tell about this task in brief. My co-workers and I develop Object-Oriented DBMS and network protocol for it. It is not usual DBMS because it is based not so much on the data storage as on the network data representation. It has allowed to minimize data transformations in a chain between the disk file and the end-client screen. I want to tell that this DBMS is very integrated with network technologies. And so there was an idea to develop a query language on a basis of URI syntax instead of SQL-like syntax. It will be much more convenient for object-oriented tasks. However there were difficulties in the definition of such URI scheme. Probably, there are similar decisions and already developed query construction rules. If you know about good ideas, please, give me references. If this theme is interesting to you, I shall pass to technical details. According to URI Generic Syntax (RFC-2396) there would be a following suitable format: <scheme>://<authority>/<alias>/<path>?<conditions>#<fields> The meaning of <scheme> and <authority> components are determined in the specified document; <alias> - specifies a database name; <path> - masks a path to object on a hierarchical key; <conditions> - specifies a selecting conditions; <fields> - defines a set of fields. Let's consider <path> component. For object identification in the database a hierarchical key are used. It allows to build a tree as we usually do with filesystem pathnames. In object-oriented languages it is common way to separate the path components by "." delimiter. URI gives certain freedom in <scheme-specific-part> definition, however it is accepted to use "/" for components separating. The character "." is used in URI to separate a hierarchical <authority> name components. It would be necessary to know your opinion of this conflict solution. Fore example, URI may look like: uod:// The primary applicability of the scheme is OODBMS queries. On this, it is necessary to describe masking rules and <conditions> representation format. It is convenient to use "*" for any character sequence masking (including empty), and "**" for masking any path component sequence. Traditionally the masking symbol for one character is "?" but this symbol is used for <query> (or <conditions> in this case) component separating in URI string. Examples (it is obvious without explanation, i suppose): /Root.*.Object1 /Root.**.Object1 /!def.* /Root.**.abc*def I shall notice that masked path may satisfy a set of objects (or empty set). How it will be represented in reply message is the task of certain protocol. Each object in OODBMS can be also masked by Class name. For Class specification we can use usual structure "Object:Class". Using name and class mask together it is possible to create such complex expressions: /Root.*:Class1.Object1 /Root.ab!!25*:*A /Root.Node1.**.A*:Class1 /Root.A*:C,*A:D.Node1,Node7,Node8.Object1 For <conditions> specification it is possible to use any expression after "?". The following examples demonstrate simple and complex conditions using mathematical operations, masking, enumeration, etc.: /Root.Path.Object?Field1 /Root.Path.Object?Field1=Value1 /Root.Path.Object?(Field1+Field2)<Value1 /Root.Path.Object?Field1=Value1&Field2>=Value2 /Root.Path.Object?Field1=Value1,Value2 /Root.Path.Object?Field1=Value1..Value2 /Root.Path.Object?Field1=ab*cd!ef Here it is necessary to think about realization of complex conditions, for example, if it is necessary to select objects on a logical condition: ( A>5 and B=8 and C<=3 ) or ( A<5 and B=2 and C<=100 ) In http URI it is accepted to express so: ...?A>5&B=8&C<=3+A<5&B=2&C<=100 Various WEB searching systems converts a logical operation "and" into "&" character and logical "or" into "+". But a operation order can not be expressed so. Furthermore, the "+" in this example can confuse a user because "3+A" is looked as a first priority operation. Using brackets it is possible to writ out something like: ...?(A>5&B=8&C<=3)+(A<5&B=2&C<=100) or ...?((A>5)&(B=8)&(C<=3))+((A<5)&(B=2)&(C<=100)) This example can be also written down using words "and", "or": ...?((A>5)and(B=8)and(C<=3))or((A<5)and(B=2)and(C<=100)) There is another variant of "and" coding using ";", for example "A=2;B=3". And if it is necessary to unite some conditions together through "or" operation we can write them so: ...?<Condition1>?<Condition2>?<Condition3> For example: ...?A>5;B=8;C<=3?A<5;B=2;C<=100 If using of "?" is not desirable, it is possible to replace it with "/", for example: ...?<Condition1>/<condition2>/<condition3> If you want to receive a table or a report form with listed fields instead of a objects set as a query result, is possible is specify a fields list. For example: /Root.Object1#Field1,Field2,Field3 Using all URL components together: /Root.**.Name!mask*:Class#Field1,Field2,Field3?Field4>5;Field5=ABCD I purposely use "#" before "?" because field list specification is logically follows <path> component. It is a large and complex topic, because such syntax can be used in any scheme solving data selecting task. I wait for your comments. Thanks.