On 22:57 02/12/02, Stephen Sprunk said:
Dear Stephen,End users expect everything to be in .com, period (no pun intended). I still get multi-year Internet users (admittedly of the AOL variety) who don't believe my personal email address in .org is real -- they've never noticed anything but .com and .net out there, and they're confused enough about the minor difference between those two. They don't need another few thousand TLDs.
initially every name was .arpa. Why did they not stick to it :-)
Let say that you have stephen.sprunk.org and the people you quote are lost (what is correct as people see no reason why not to resolve Stephen Sprunk in their mind as stephen.sprunk.com in the Internet, from what they understand).
Would they be lost the same with stephen.sprunk.org.com ? I guess not.
Now, if someone comes and tell them that stephen.sprunk.org is just an abreviation of stephen.sprunk.org.com, you know what they will ask? They will as why stephen.sprunk is not an abreviation of stephen.sprunk.org. And they will never believe him if he tells them this is not possible because of a program written in 1983 and a forgotten agreement of 1984.
As if I told someone he cannot have 10 digit telephone numbers because of the way mechanichal telephone switchers worked in the 60s.
I would advise we do not to confuse too much the trust of the people with them being dumb. ICANN just does that too many times.