Will each of these people have an office at ICANN ?....and a budget and staff ? http://www.icannatlarge.com/ http://www.icann-ncc.org/pipermail/discuss/2002-August/002702.html # Vittorio Bertola (Europe) - 133 votes # Joanna Lane (Europe) - 121 votes # Richard Henderson (Europe) - 112 votes # Judith Oppenheimer (North America) - 105 votes # James Love (North America) - 104 votes # Youn Jung Park (Asia/Pacific) - 100 votes # Satyajit Gupta (Central/West/South Asia) - 93 votes # Hans Klein (North America) - 82 votes # Vivek Durai (Central/West/South Asia) - 80 votes # Jefsey Morfin (Europe) - 77 votes # Michael Geist (North America) - 63 votes =================================== If the budget is $2,000,000 per year, per elected representative, then the 11 above would require $22,000,000 of the annual ICANN budget. That may allow some of the people to operate regional offices, with staff. Will the new .COM Registry be funding this ? With 30,000,000+ names, at $6 per year, that is over $180,000,000 per year. What would happen to the surplus ? Would that be spent on actual servers and networks ? If instead, the new .ORG Registry funds it, then the 3,000,000 .ORG owners may have to pay more for domain names. At $10 per year, per name, there may be enough to fund the above and make sure they can fly first-class to all the IETF meetings. There may even be some surplus to actually operate the TLD Cluster. Jim Fleming 2002:[IPv4]:000X:03DB http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/130dftmail/unir.txt