"Ole J. Jacobsen" wrote: > But when the "navive user" has his or her config altered in this way, it > is likely to cause confusion and frustration when Joe can reach .STEF, > but Mary can't. Ole, Your misspelling above seems to betray the highly-emotional tones that this discussion, as well as anything that is DNS/ICANN related, touches off. BTW, the "naive" user would not alter her/is config and so would not see any problem. > Choice is a fine thing, incompatibility is not. > > Having one Internet is a good thing. These slogans seem to point the same way. Can we please go back (or begin) a technical discussion? As Editor and Publisher of a technical journal, I would expect you to help make the difference -- not blur the difference with things like "Uncle" and emotional tones. And I am waiting to hear some substantive technical arguments why a name query cannot have more than one answer and still be resolvable, when everything else we ask in life has more than one answer and yet we are able to resolve them. To set the groundwork for an attempt to such answer, let me recall that the DNS seems to be the only logical system that tries to be both complete and resolvable, when we know for a mathematical fact that these two qualities do not go together for a system with a complexity larger than arithmetics. Cheers, Ed Gerck Not an Editor and Publisher ;-) > Ole J. Jacobsen > Editor and Publisher > The Internet Protocol Journal > Office of the CTO, Cisco Systems > Tel: +1 408-527-8972 > GSM: +1 415-370-4628 > E-mail: ole@cisco.com > URL: http://www.cisco.com/ipj > > On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Joe Touch wrote: > > > Einar Stefferud wrote: > > > ORSC does not support what NEW.NET is doing either, but please note that > > > this has nothing to do the lack of cooperation that ICANN exudes. > > > > Agreed. I was addressing Ole's point _only_, in two ways: > > > > 1) it's not so hard to modify a naive user's DNS at > > the browser or endhost configuration > > > > 2) your ISP may already be doing it by at the DNS > > layer > > > > How big an issue this is is distinct from how complex it is to achieve. > > > > Joe > > > > > > - > This message was passed through ietf_censored@carmen.ipv6.cselt.it, which > is a sublist of ietf@ietf.org. Not all messages are passed. > Decisions on what to pass are made solely by Raffaele D'Albenzio.