Thank you for your opinion, based on your non-use of the ORSC root. If you were a user, your opinion might carry even more weight. I find that I only have trouble with DNS when I am somehow restricted from accessing the ORSC roots, so I spend some effort maintaining access. it is my choice to do so, and I do not care how many people choose to live in the lesser ICANNic Internet;-)... Enjoy;-)...\Stef At 1:52 PM -0400 7/29/02, Keith Moore wrote: > > Some of their responses implied that the alternate root nonsense is > > doing more harm than MicroStupid viruses. > >I thought the question was about the *discussion* of the alternate root >nonsense, which probably consumes more bandwidth than the alternate roots >themselves. I interpreted the answers as being written with tounge-in-cheek. > >I personally don't think the alternate roots cause much harm - that is, >as long as essentially nobody uses them. > >Keith