>The behavour that bulk emailers exhibit is substiantly different from >happened in this case. The key point, though, is that there is no way for the recipients to tell the difference. From my point of view, when I get customized spam (the sort with my name & address on it, rather than BCC:ing everybody), all I know is that it was sent by someone running a simple fill-in-the-blanks program. I do not know, or care, whether that program was run in software or wetware; and I do not know, or care, whether that message went to 10 people or 10 million. Either way, the harm to me is the same. >In fact if you look at the various forms >of legislation around the world Law has nothing to do with right and wrong. If I can't look at a piece of spam and determine whether or not it infringes the law, then there is something wrong with the law. /===========================================================\ |John Stracke |Principal Engineer | |jstracke@incentivesystems.com |Incentive Systems, Inc. | |http://www.incentivesystems.com |My opinions are my own. | |===========================================================| |"What we have here is a failure to assimilate." --Cool Hand| |Locutius | \===========================================================/