Paul -
Yep! Didn't read closely enough. Layer 2 in the OSI Reference Model, top of Layer 1 in TCP/IP - except for all of the places it appears elsewhere! :)
How's THAT for clarity?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Day []
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 10:49 AM
Subject: RE: PPP
On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Michel Gilbert wrote:
> It is essentially a Data Link Layer protocol, operating at Layer 2.
Bill was after where it fits into the TCP/IP model. I think you've got
that mixed up with the OSI model? :)
Layer 2 under the TCP/IP model is the "Internet" layer, which corresponds
to layer 3, "Network", of the OSI model.
If we want to get picky though, you could say PPP overlaps layer 1 and 2
of the TCP/IP model, so saying "Layer 2" isn't incorrect, but by using the
term "Data Link" as opposed to "Internet" fot layer 2 makes me think
you're referring of the OSI model.
*Back in his box now*
Paul Day Web: