Sally Floyd wrote:
Gorry -
I think that the large fields (three bytes) for the Lossless Length
and Data Length fields in the Loss Intervals Option are useful,
even for CCID-4. It is true that CCID-4 is going to send at most
100 pps, but the round-trip time could be some seconds, leading to
a sending rate of hundreds of packets per RTT. To maintain this,
the CCID-4 sending would want to hear about fairly large loss
intervals, larger than 256 packets. So clearly at least a two-byte
field is needed for the Lossless Length and Data Length fields,
even for CCID-4.
There is also a simplicity argument for using the same option as CCID3, with
its fixed length. This same simplicity argument applies to Dropped Packets.
If there is a strong space argument let's hear it! Perhaps the solution would
be a new option, Loss Intervals [2 byte] or something. But I think we should
stick with 3 bytes for everything, for simplicity.