Hi All, I've submitted a draft-ietf-dccp-dtls-03.txt. It's currently available at http://www.phelan-4.com/dccp/draft-ietf-dccp-dtls-03.txt and a version with diffs from -02 is at http://www.phelan-4.com/dccp/draft-ietf-dccp-dtls-03-diffs.pdf. The changes are to address the last call comments received. Reviewers please check to see that your comments have been addressed to your satisfaction. Comments fell into the following groups: Sending DTLS handshake messages in DCCP-Request/Response packets unclear/not complete -- I've added a fair amount of explanatory text here, plus a few additional requirements. Coping with congestion control -- I've added a new section (3.3) on this with explanatory text and one requirement. Relationship between DTLS sessions and DCCP connections -- I've added a new section on this (3.4) with explanatory text and no requirements. PMTU issues -- I've added new requirements and reworded some old requirements to be in line with Pasi's comments. Pasi, I haven't addressed all of the issues you raised. I felt that some of them were with DTLS, not DTLS over DCCP and therefore shouldn't be dealt with here. Idnits -- it passes idnits. Service code for app that starts clear then switches to DTLS -- added requirement to section 3.6 for this. Optimizing DTLS anti-replay and DCCP synchronization -- I have not included this. I think that this would require sharing sequence numbers between DTLS and DCCP, and I think it's much better to keep them separate. That level of integration would really merge the two stacks -- more like DTLS plus DCCP than DTLS over DCCP. For example, to merge/optimize the two, I think you'd need to do DTLS anti-replay first, or at least short-circuit the rest of the DCCP stack when a bad sequence number came in. I'm open to anyone who has better ideas about how it could be done, but at this point I don't see it. I didn't make any mention of this in the draft. It didn't seem worthwhile to go through a long discussion and then do nothing. Colin, please let me know if you want anything added. Thanks to Colin, Pasi, Lars, Magnus and Tom Petch for the comments :-). Tom P(helan)