CCID-4 currently relies on CCID-3 (and, as I understand, CCID-3 loss),
which in turn is built upon RFC3448...
Your question of whether a new CCID-4 should include FR is interesting,
since I can see there may be merit in building a "VoIP"-friendly CC
scheme on the more recent 3448.bis and/or FR.
I wonder what others think?
Best wishes,
Ingemar Johansson S (LU/EAB) wrote:
I can only comment on the CCID-4 draft and I support that it becomes a
working group item esp. as it has potential to becoem useful for VoIP.
In a previous email to this group I gave an elaborate explanation of the
properties of modern speech/audio codecs and possibly I can contribute
with text in this direction and how CCID-4 can address these issues as
good as possible.
Is there any chance that the faster restart work becomes a part of
CCID-4 ?, asking because I believe the combination of the two might
become useful.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gorry Fairhurst [mailto:gorry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: den 8 september 2007 19:28
To: dccp@xxxxxxxx
Cc: gorry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Interest in WG adopting the I-Ds on
ccid3-drops & ccid-4?
The following 2 Internet Drafts were presented at the last
IETF, and we agreed that after this meeting to ask the IETF
dccp WG whether they would agree to adopting these as
official work items: EXP draft-floyd-dccp-ccid4-01.txt PS
Documents accepted by the WG are intended to be finally
published as Standards-track RFC, according to the Charter
milestone in:
At this time, we are asking working group members and
interested parties to send comments/queries/objections to
either the dccp WG mailing list
(above) or to me as a WG Chair (gorry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Comments on this topic received before 21st September 2007
would be helpful in making this decision.
In particular we are seeking feedback on any of:
* Have you read the current drafts?
* Is this work useful to you or your organisation?
* Do you have ideas/text/comments that you would like to contribute?
* Is this work ready for progression by this WG?
Please *do* reply if you would like to see this work proceed.
Best wishes,
Gorry Fairhurst & Tom Phelan
(DCCP WG Co-Chair)