Ian -
Title : Faster Restart for TCP Friendly Rate
Control (TFRC)
Author(s) : E. Kohler, et al.
Filename :
Pages : 19
Date : 2007-7-10
Minor nit:
In section 3.2 feedback is misspelled feedbacak
Great, thanks, I have fixed it.
Have started work on implementing this for Linux now.
Oh good. You should take note of the bugfix in the slides, at
http://www.icir.org/floyd/talks/fasterstart-jul07.pdf, .ppt
The current inclination of the authors is to ditch the ping during
idle intervals, so if you have any feedback, that would be great.
The big need for Faster Restart is simulations/experiments to
make sure that the burden imposed by the extra aggressiveness
does not lead to any completely dire consequences during times
of high congestion (e.g., when everyone is bursty, everyone has idle
periods, and everyone is using Faster Restart...)
Take care,
- Sally