Ladan -
This definitely clarifies when feedback is sent by the receiver. But I
think the whole discussion on the short intervals and when the are
used in the average loss interval is fairly complicated. I've read it
a few times and I'm still not sure I get it :) It would be great if
you could add pseudo-code similar to that of RFC 3448 to this draft,
as it would eliminate all possible ambiguities on how I_tot is
Good idea. I will add the pseudocode. It is a small change to this in
Section 5.4
of RFC 3448:
Thus if the most recent loss intervals are I_0 to I_n, with I_0 being
the interval since the most recent loss event, then we calculate the
average loss interval I_mean as:
I_tot0 = 0;
I_tot1 = 0;
W_tot = 0;
for (i = 0 to n-1) {
I_tot0 = I_tot0 + (I_i * w_i);
W_tot = W_tot + w_i;
for (i = 1 to n) {
I_tot1 = I_tot1 + (I_i * w_(i-1));
I_tot = max(I_tot0, I_tot1);
I_mean = I_tot/W_tot;
The loss event rate, p is simply:
p = 1 / I_mean;
The pseudocode for tfrc-sp would just say:
If the current loss interval I_0 is "short"
then I_tot = I_tot1;
else I_tot = max(I_tot0, I_tot1);
- Sally
- Sally