Re: GTK+3/Win32 : looking for help

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Do you have any idea how many people save hunderds of dollars by having GIMP and Inkscape available on Windows?

2014-06-06 20:29 GMT+02:00 C. Thomas Stover <cts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:08:24 +0200, Tarnyko wrote:

> Hi folks,
> It may have been obvious to anybody following the releases, but I
> severely lack the free time (hence the ability) to work on GTK+3 for
> Win32, for some months now. So I am basically asking for help.
>  I summarized the who-what-when in this blog post :
> So if anybody wants to contribute, he's more than welcome to answer this
> thread, or show up on IRC.
> Regards,
> Tarnyko

I'm interested in being interested. Are you looking to move on entirely,
or are you just looking for additional team members? Of the questions
that come to my mind that would be appropriate for the mailing list, the
first and most high level is existential in nature. I'm unfamiliar with
the back story on why Tor Lillqvist moved on. I myself switched jobs last
year, and no longer even have to acknowledge windows even exists. The
notion of windows development on windows itself has long died in my eyes.
Still, I have interest in maintaining the ability of a number of small
projects to cross compile to windows targets. (Either from linux or cygwin

Sincerely I mean not to troll, but I do find myself questioning the
validity of cross platform development in the current era. With the
seemingly overwhelming forces of fragmented proprietary platforms with
lock-in™ based technology winning more and more over to "the dark side",
people who are actually interested in open/community based/lower level
technology generally just use a linux or a bsd. Like me, the ones out of
that group that still have to put up with windows (and even osx), get
older and either move on to new positions or gain the seniority to phase
out the silliness. So while the intellectual challenge of getting any
sort of work done with windows will always be a thrilling pursuit for
those of us with a certain type of post traumatic stress disorder, are
there enough end users for this?

[editors note: I just deleted two paragraphs of even-less-constructive
ranting, that can be summarized as an even further off topic grumbling
about me not liking OSX and that "other" toolkit.]

The pleasure and professorial paths that desktop computing with open
source software offer will continue to grow, though as a percentage of
all things software development, it will continue to decline. Given that
model, it just seems like an indicator of more consolidation for the core
user base.

There is of course an even more pessimistic school of thought that comes
to the conclusion that the self inflicted damage from the last generation
of desktop environments will revive 90's era 'doz on the desk and 'nix in
the closet/cloud to a point where things like gtk on windows are more
important than ever, but I'm not that camp yet. (Too many cool things
like i3wm, for that.)

C. Thomas Stover

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Alberto Ruiz
gtk-list mailing list

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