printf okay strcpy with cName_pt segment fault

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on_filechooserwidget2_selection_changed(GtkFileChooser *fs) {
        printf("\n Selection changed. \n");
        char    *cName_pt;
        cName_pt = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(fs));
printf("\n cName_pt = %s .\n", cName_pt); //Prints selected file okay.
//      strcpy(fileselected, cName_pt);    //This gives segment fault?
strcpy(fileselected, test_pt); //This works okay, test=1234 passed to high level.
Hi All,
I do not understand why I'm getting a segment fault from strcpy using cName_pt in the above code. I can printf using cName_pt and it prints the file that I selected using the glade gtkfilechooserwidget. I must be doing something silly, I hope that someone can see what it is? Regards Ian.
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