On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 13:46 +0000, Doğacan Güney wrote:> Hi,> > I am trying to write a program similar to the one at> http://mirko.lilik.it/Ruby-GNOME2/moz-snapshooter.rb . As far as I> understand it, net-stop only means that the loading of page is completed, it> doesn't necessarily mean that drawing the widget is complete. My question> is, is there a way to understand if drawing of a widget (gtkmozembed in this> case) is complete? your question is ill-formed. do you mean "when every pixel thatrepresents a widget has been displayed on a screen?" or "when the coderesponsible for requesting pixel changes has been called?" or somethingelse? _______________________________________________gtk-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gtk-list