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I am sorry that I was unable to maintain gpm the last months as I like to
maintain this package. I had some personal problems, caused by an accident.

However, I am still willing to maintain gpm. Don't know if Alessandro took
again his old job while I've been unreachable.

I still have all the submitted patches in my incoming box (upto Juno 2002,
then I wasn't able to do anything anymore). I will take some time to review
all of them.

Additionally I have some more ideas howto improve gpm, as long as we still =
gpm. The Linux Kernel Team seems to make great progress in their Input Devi=
section, perhaps they'll develop a much smaller gpm replacement as soon as =
mice protocols are supported in the kernel. We'll see, but as long as there=
a need for gpm, I'll maintain it.

The second point is that while I had no access to the net, my old ISP
gave up business and took down from the net.

Now there are many things away, for instance my email address, the mirror of
the gpm main site and many more things. I know this is somehow off topic, b=
as I can't find a cheap provider in Germany, I would like to ask you all,
if you've got a place (preferred in Germany, but not explicity bound to her=
where I can put this server. I've got very little demands for the connectio=
- static ip
- speed should not be less than 56kBit/s
- about 500 MB traffic per month.

If someone can help me with this problem, please contact me directly.
Thanks in advance.

If you've got some questions in mind, just ask.
Else look forward to the next release of gpm in about 2 or 3 months.


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