I posted this question under existing thread (my apologies), so I need to repost it.
I have problems interpreting several statements form the manual. I have network topology involving 3 firewalls and a DMZ and need to eliminate as many variables as possible to get GNUGK to work
for all possible location of endpoints. Having hard time...
Note to make proxy work, the gatekeeper must have direct connection to both networks of the caller and callee.
What precisely is "direct connection"?
Whether to allow an endpoint behind an NAT box that support GnuGk NAT Traversal technique to receive calls. Use this to block errant gateways that do not support GnuGk Nat Traversal technique properly from causing one way audio problems when trying to call to the gateway.
I always assumed that "Tanderbesque" firewall/NAT traversal is local to traversal server and traversal client, i.e. it is transparent to external EPs and gateways. How can a gateway "not support" NAT traversal technique?
Whether to allow an endpoint behind a NAT box register to the gatekeeper. If yes, the gatekeeper will translate the IP address in Q.931 and H.245 channel into the IP of NAT box
Hmm... Isn't it translating non-routable addresses the ONLY sensible solution? This is essentially an H323 ALG on gatekeeper side. Could I get an example of a network topology in which NOT doing this translation helps connecting the call?
Cisco VCS Control uses the "non-translation" technique to block NATed EPs from using Control, thereby forcing users to buy VCS Expressway. Why would GNUGK use such call routing method as a default?
Marek Podgorny
marek.podgorny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (eMail, SIP, Jabber, GTalk, video)
+1 315 373-6345
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