I have a peculiar problem. I have a test set up as shown in the attached figure. I will give a breif overview of it here -
1. only LAN side VC, VC2 is registered to the gatekeeper. neither VC1 is not aware of gnugk nor in the other way.
2. VC1 is in direct call mode. and VC2 is in gatekeeper mode.
3. a firewall/router is between which is configured to block all traffic from WAN to LAN except H.323 traffic. It has an inbuilt ALG.
4. gatekeeper is in fully routed mode, -rr option.
Now, when I connect VC1 to VC2, it causes the call to establish in IP dialing. Its natural to get that H.323 alias or E.164 alias will not be resolved by gatekeeper.
In this scenario what is the scope of gatekeeper? How it the gatekeeper knowing about the call when im routing the call thru IP.
Vineet Menon
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