When I telnet to the gatekeeper and type "r" I see the two registrations but the incoming call is rejected because the gatekeeper says the destination is not registered. What am I missing?? Can the gatekeeper do this translation?
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(1770) Q931s GWRewrite source for setup H323 ID or E164
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 Toolkit.cxx(560) RewriteToE164: 6828@ to 6828
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 Toolkit.cxx(560) RewriteToE164: 6828@ to 6828
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 3 gkauth.cxx(1067) GKAUTH default Setup check ok
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 singleton.cxx(25) Create instance: PreliminaryCallTable(9)
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 5 Routing.cxx(197) ROUTING Checking policy Explicit for request Setup CRV=27783
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 5 Routing.cxx(197) ROUTING Checking policy Internal for request Setup CRV=27783
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(2092) Q931s No destination for unregistered call 02 b2 1f 74 4c 4e 19 39 10 0a 00 50 60 01 bb 0c from
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(2139) Q931s Unregistered party is not NATed
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 RasTbl.cxx(3130) CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 gkacct.cxx(1043) GKACCT Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 RasTbl.cxx(3538) CDR ignore not connected call
2011/07/06 10:56:47.933 2 gkacct.cxx(1043) GKACCT Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
A.J. Gillette Director Applications Engineering & IT Fred.Gillette@xxxxxxxxxxxxx North America toll free: 1 877 888-5468 T: +1 613 686-1731 ext. 5508 ![]() Magor Communications 350 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 300 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2K 2W5 http://www.magorcorp.com |
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