Re: Error: while telnet is connected, and apply makecall

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Please find all the details as following according to 14.2 Debugging  GnuGK:

$ telnet localhost 7000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.5) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,firebird=0,odbc=1,sqlite=1,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=1,h46018=0,h46023=0,ldap=0,ssh=0) H323Plus(1.22.0) PTLib(2.8.4) Build(May 15 2011, 00:18:35) Sys(Linux i686
Startup: Sun, 15 May 2011 00:50:18 +0200   Running: 0 days 00:00:14
makecall 1001 1002
Connection closed by foreign host.

obj_linux_x86_d_s]# ./gnugk -c ../etc/myconfig.ini -ttt
2011/05/15 00:50:18.971    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: Toolkit(1)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.000    2         Toolkit.cxx(300)    Network=, IP=94.224.199.xx
2011/05/15 00:50:19.000    2         Toolkit.cxx(302)    Default IP=94.224.199.xx
2011/05/15 00:50:19.000    2      transports.cxx(979)    H323    Use of non IP transport address: ""
2011/05/15 00:50:19.000    2         Toolkit.cxx(472)    GK    H.323 Proxy not enabled by default
2011/05/15 00:50:19.000    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: RasSrv(2)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.001    2         Toolkit.cxx(849)    GK    Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2011/05/15 00:50:19.001    2         Toolkit.cxx(852)    GK    No per GW data loaded
2011/05/15 00:50:19.002    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: CapacityControl(3)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.003    0              gk.cxx(554)    WARNING: Config entry [Gatekeeper::Main] imestampFormat=MySQL unknown
2011/05/15 00:50:19.004    0              gk.cxx(554)    WARNING: Config entry [CTI::Agents] CTI_Timeout=10 unknown
2011/05/15 00:50:19.004    0              gk.cxx(554)    WARNING: Config entry [CTI::Agents] VirtualQueue=support,sales unknown
2011/05/15 00:50:19.004    0              gk.cxx(530)    WARNING: Config section [RasSrv::AssignedAlias] unknown
2011/05/15 00:50:19.004    0              gk.cxx(554)    WARNING: Config entry [Proxy] Enabled=0; bypass media or ./gnugk -r unknown
GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'GnuGk' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.5) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,firebird=0,odbc=1,sqlite=1,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=1,h46018=0,h46023=0,ldap=0,ssh=0) H323Plus(1.22.0) PTLib(2.8.4) Build(May 15 2011, 00:18:35) Sys(Linux i686

2011/05/15 00:50:19.005    1              gk.cxx(1068)    GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'GnuGk' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.5) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,firebird=0,odbc=1,sqlite=1,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=1,h46018=0,h46023=0,ldap=0,ssh=0) H323Plus(1.22.0) PTLib(2.8.4) Build(May 15 2011, 00:18:35) Sys(Linux i686

Listen on 94.224.199.xx,

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
We also explicitly grant the right to link this code
with the OpenH323/H323Plus and OpenSSL library.

2011/05/15 00:50:19.005    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: CallTable(4)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.006    2              gk.cxx(1114)    GK    Total bandwidth not limited
2011/05/15 00:50:19.006    2              gk.cxx(1123)    GK    TimeToLive for Registrations: 300
2011/05/15 00:50:19.006    2    ProxyChannel.cxx(207)    RTPPortRange: 1024-65535
2011/05/15 00:50:19.006    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: Agent(5)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.007    2          RasSrv.cxx(742)    GK    Using Routed Signalling
2011/05/15 00:50:19.007    2          RasSrv.cxx(743)    GK    H.245 Routed Enabled
2011/05/15 00:50:19.007    2          RasSrv.cxx(761)    GK    No ENUMservers set, using defaults
2011/05/15 00:50:19.007    2          RasSrv.cxx(782)    GK    No RDSservers set, using defaults
2011/05/15 00:50:19.007    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: GkStatus(6)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.007    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: RegistrationTable(7)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.008    2          RasSrv.cxx(821)    GK    Home = 94.224.199.xx,
2011/05/15 00:50:19.009    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to 94.224.199.xx:1719(U)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.011    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to 94.224.199.xx:1718(Mcast)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.012    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to 94.224.199.xx:1720
2011/05/15 00:50:19.013    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to 94.224.199.xx:7000
2011/05/15 00:50:19.013    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to
2011/05/15 00:50:19.013    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to
2011/05/15 00:50:19.013    1          RasSrv.cxx(518)    Listening to
2011/05/15 00:50:19.014    1          gkauth.cxx(265)    GKAUTH    default rule added to check RAS: ARQ BRQ DRQ GRQ IRQ LRQ RRQ URQ, OTHER: SETUP SETUPUNREG
2011/05/15 00:50:19.014    2         Routing.cxx(721)    VQueue    (CTI) Virtual queues enabled (aliases:support,sales), request timeout: 10 s
2011/05/15 00:50:19.014    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(8)
2011/05/15 00:50:19.014    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class  here vqueue is virtual queue
2011/05/15 00:50:19.014    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class internal
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1         Routing.cxx(270)    RoutingPolicy::OnARQ add policy vqueue,explicit,internal ; here vqueue is virtual queue for prefix *
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class  here vqueue is virtual queue
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class internal
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1         Routing.cxx(270)    RoutingPolicy::OnLRQ add policy vqueue,explicit,internal ; here vqueue is virtual queue for prefix *
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class  here vqueue is virtual queue
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class internal
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1         Routing.cxx(270)    RoutingPolicy::OnSetup add policy vqueue,explicit,internal ; here vqueue is virtual queue for prefix *
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class  here vqueue is virtual queue
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1           factory.h(275)    Init    Can't create unknown class internal
2011/05/15 00:50:19.016    1         Routing.cxx(270)    RoutingPolicy::OnFacility add policy vqueue,explicit,internal ; here vqueue is virtual queue for prefix *
2011/05/15 00:50:19.017    2          gkacct.cxx(955)    GKACCT    Successfully logged event 8
2011/05/15 00:50:20.979    2          RasSrv.cxx(173)    RAS    Read from 78.21.235.xx:1719
2011/05/15 00:50:20.979    3          RasSrv.cxx(223)    RAS
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 41361
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = false
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          4e 15 eb 6b                                        N..k
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          4e 15 eb 6b                                        N..k
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 0
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 11520
        productId =  16 octets {
          53 4f 4e 59 20 50 43 53  2d 58 47 38 30 20 30 30   SONY PCS-XG80 00
        versionId =  39 octets {
          50 43 53 2d 58 47 38 30  20 32 30 31 31 2d 30 34   PCS-XG80 2011-04
          2d 30 35 20 31 34 3a 33  37 20 56 65 72 20 30 32   -05 14:37 Ver 02
          2e 33 30 20 20 0d 0a                               .30  ..
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "1002"
      [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        0031 0030 0030 0032                       1002
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 0
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 11520
      productId =  16 octets {
        53 4f 4e 59 20 50 43 53  2d 58 47 38 30 20 30 30   SONY PCS-XG80 00
      versionId =  39 octets {
        50 43 53 2d 58 47 38 30  20 32 30 31 31 2d 30 34   PCS-XG80 2011-04
        2d 30 35 20 31 34 3a 33  37 20 56 65 72 20 30 32   -05 14:37 Ver 02
        2e 33 30 20 20 0d 0a                               .30  ..
    timeToLive = 60
    keepAlive = false
    willSupplyUUIEs = false
    maintainConnection = false
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    featureSet = {
      replacementFeatureSet = true
      supportedFeatures = 1 entries {
          id = standard 18
2011/05/15 00:50:20.981    1          RasSrv.cxx(355)    RAS    RRQ Received from 78.21.235.xx:1719
2011/05/15 00:50:20.981    3          gkauth.cxx(956)    GKAUTH    default RRQ check ok
2011/05/15 00:50:20.983    1          RasTbl.cxx(114)    New EP|78.21.235.xx:1720|1002:dialedDigits=1002:h323_ID|terminal|3660_endp

2011/05/15 00:50:20.984    2          gkacct.cxx(1027)    GKACCT    Successfully logged event 256 for endpoint 3660_endp
2011/05/15 00:50:20.985    2          RasSrv.cxx(395)    RCF|78.21.235.xx:1720|01002:dialedDigits=:h323_ID=DID:h323_ID=numbers:h323_ID=:h323_ID=for:h323_ID=my:h323_ID=Device:h323_ID=2:dialedDigits=01002:dialedDigits=:h323_ID=DID:h323_ID=numbers:h323_ID=:h323_ID=for:h323_ID=my:h323_ID=Device:h323_ID=2:dialedDigits=1002:dialedDigits|terminal|3660_endp;
2011/05/15 00:50:20.985    3          RasSrv.cxx(235)    RAS    Send to 78.21.235.xx:1719
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 41361
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
        t35CountryCode = 138
        t35Extension = 2
        manufacturerCode = 2
      data ="" 5 octets {
        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          5e e0 c7 1f                                        ^...
        port = 1720
    terminalAlias = 19 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "01002"
      [1]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [2]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0044 0049 0044                            DID
      [3]=h323_ID  7 characters {
        006e 0075 006d 0062 0065 0072 0073        numbers
      [4]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [5]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0066 006f 0072                            for
      [6]=h323_ID  2 characters {
        006d 0079                                 my
      [7]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0044 0065 0076 0069 0063 0065             Device
      [8]=dialedDigits "2"
      [9]=dialedDigits "01002"
      [10]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [11]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0044 0049 0044                            DID
      [12]=h323_ID  7 characters {
        006e 0075 006d 0062 0065 0072 0073        numbers
      [13]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [14]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0066 006f 0072                            for
      [15]=h323_ID  2 characters {
        006d 0079                                 my
      [16]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0044 0065 0076 0069 0063 0065             Device
      [17]=dialedDigits "2"
      [18]=dialedDigits "1002"
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {
      0047 006e 0075 0047 006b                  GnuGk
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0033 0036 0036 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064   3660_end
      0070                                      p
    timeToLive = 60
    willRespondToIRR = false
    maintainConnection = false

2011/05/15 00:50:22.445    2          RasSrv.cxx(173)    RAS    Read from 78.21.235.xx:1719
2011/05/15 00:50:22.445    3          RasSrv.cxx(223)    RAS
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 12164
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = false
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          4e 15 eb 8d                                        N...
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          4e 15 eb 8d                                        N...
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 0
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 11520
        productId =  16 octets {
          53 4f 4e 59 20 50 43 53  2d 58 47 38 30 20 30 30   SONY PCS-XG80 00
        versionId =  39 octets {
          50 43 53 2d 58 47 38 30  20 32 30 31 31 2d 30 34   PCS-XG80 2011-04
          2d 30 35 20 31 34 3a 33  31 20 56 65 72 20 30 32   -05 14:31 Ver 02
          2e 33 30 20 20 0d 0a                               .30  ..
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "1001"
      [1]=h323_ID  4 characters {
        0031 0030 0030 0031                       1001
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 0
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 11520
      productId =  16 octets {
        53 4f 4e 59 20 50 43 53  2d 58 47 38 30 20 30 30   SONY PCS-XG80 00
      versionId =  39 octets {
        50 43 53 2d 58 47 38 30  20 32 30 31 31 2d 30 34   PCS-XG80 2011-04
        2d 30 35 20 31 34 3a 33  31 20 56 65 72 20 30 32   -05 14:31 Ver 02
        2e 33 30 20 20 0d 0a                               .30  ..
    timeToLive = 60
    keepAlive = false
    willSupplyUUIEs = false
    maintainConnection = false
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    featureSet = {
      replacementFeatureSet = true
      supportedFeatures = 1 entries {
          id = standard 18
2011/05/15 00:50:22.446    1          RasSrv.cxx(355)    RAS    RRQ Received from 78.21.235.xx:1719
2011/05/15 00:50:22.447    3          gkauth.cxx(956)    GKAUTH    default RRQ check ok
2011/05/15 00:50:22.448    1          RasTbl.cxx(114)    New EP|78.21.235.xx:1720|1001:dialedDigits=1001:h323_ID|terminal|3661_endp

2011/05/15 00:50:22.449    2          gkacct.cxx(1027)    GKACCT    Successfully logged event 256 for endpoint 3661_endp
2011/05/15 00:50:22.451    2          RasSrv.cxx(395)    RCF|78.21.235.xx:1720|01001:dialedDigits=:h323_ID=DID:h323_ID=numbers:h323_ID=:h323_ID=for:h323_ID=my:h323_ID=Device:h323_ID=1:dialedDigits=01001:dialedDigits=:h323_ID=DID:h323_ID=numbers:h323_ID=:h323_ID=for:h323_ID=my:h323_ID=Device:h323_ID=1:dialedDigits=1001:dialedDigits|terminal|3661_endp;
2011/05/15 00:50:22.451    3          RasSrv.cxx(235)    RAS    Send to 78.21.235.xx:1719
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 12164
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
        t35CountryCode = 138
        t35Extension = 2
        manufacturerCode = 2
      data ="" 5 octets {
        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          5e e0 c7 1f                                        ^...
        port = 1720
    terminalAlias = 19 entries {
      [0]=dialedDigits "01001"
      [1]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [2]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0044 0049 0044                            DID
      [3]=h323_ID  7 characters {
        006e 0075 006d 0062 0065 0072 0073        numbers
      [4]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [5]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0066 006f 0072                            for
      [6]=h323_ID  2 characters {
        006d 0079                                 my
      [7]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0044 0065 0076 0069 0063 0065             Device
      [8]=dialedDigits "1"
      [9]=dialedDigits "01001"
      [10]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [11]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0044 0049 0044                            DID
      [12]=h323_ID  7 characters {
        006e 0075 006d 0062 0065 0072 0073        numbers
      [13]=h323_ID  1 characters {
      [14]=h323_ID  3 characters {
        0066 006f 0072                            for
      [15]=h323_ID  2 characters {
        006d 0079                                 my
      [16]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0044 0065 0076 0069 0063 0065             Device
      [17]=dialedDigits "1"
      [18]=dialedDigits "1001"
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  5 characters {
      0047 006e 0075 0047 006b                  GnuGk
    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
      0033 0036 0036 0031 005f 0065 006e 0064   3661_end
      0070                                      p
    timeToLive = 60
    willRespondToIRR = false
    maintainConnection = false
2011/05/15 00:50:33.548    1        GkStatus.cxx(828)    STATUS    New client authenticated successfully: 1>    , login:
2011/05/15 00:50:42.218    3         SoftPBX.cxx(476)    GK    SoftPBX: MakeCall 1001 -> 1002
2011/05/15 00:50:42.218    2       singleton.cxx(27)    Create instance: MakeCallEndPoint(9)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root@example obj_linux_x86_d_s]#

[root@example openh323gk]# ls
addpasswd               CMakeLists.txt  etc              gk.cbp              gk.initd.suse       GkStatus.h           h460presence.h  obj_linux_x86_d_s  rasinfo.h    sigmsg.h        syslogacct.cxx
addpasswd_2008.vcproj   config.h        factory.h        GkClient.cxx        gk.initd.suse10     gktimer.cxx          ipauth.cxx      obj_linux_x86_s    RasPDU.h     singleton.cxx   syslogacct.h
addpasswd_2010.vcxproj  config.log      gk_2005.sln      GkClient.h          gk.rc               gktimer.h            ipauth.h        precompile.cxx     RasSrv.cxx   singleton.h     Toolkit.cxx
capctrl.cxx             config.status   gk_2005.vcproj   gkconfig.cxx        gk.sln              gk.vcproj            job.cxx         ProxyChannel.cxx   RasSrv.h     slist.h         Toolkit.h
capctrl.h               configure       gk_2008.sln      gkconfig.h          gksql.cxx           gnugkbuildopts.h     job.h           ProxyChannel.h     RasTbl.cxx   SoftPBX.cxx     version.cxx
changes.txt             configure.exe   gk_2008.vcproj   gk_const.h          gksql_firebird.cxx  MakeCall.cxx    pwlib_compat.h     RasTbl.h     SoftPBX.h       version.h
cisco.asn         gk_2010.sln      gk.cxx              gksql.h             gnugk.ico            MakeCall.h      radacct.cxx        readme.txt   sqlacct.cxx     versionts.h
cisco.cxx               contrib         gk_2010.vcxproj  gk.h                gksql_mysql.cxx     gnugk.rc             Makefile        radacct.h          resource.h   sqlacct.h       yasocket.cxx
cisco.h                 copying         gkacct.cxx       gk.ico              gksql_odbc.cxx      h323util.cxx     radauth.cxx        Routing.cxx  sqlauth.cxx     yasocket.h
clirw.cxx               core.9257       gkacct.h         gk.initd.freebsd    gksql_pgsql.cxx     h323util.h           name.h          radauth.h          Routing.h    statusacct.cxx
clirw.h                 CVS             gkauth.cxx       gk.initd.freebsd53  gksql_sqlite.cxx    H46023_license.txt   Neighbor.cxx    radproto.cxx       rwlock.h     statusacct.h
cmake                   docs            gkauth.h         gk.initd.redhat     GkStatus.cxx        h460presence.cxx     Neighbor.h      radproto.h         sigmsg.cxx   stl_supp.h
[root@example openh323gk]# gdb obj_linux_x86_d_s/gnugk core
GNU gdb (GDB) Fedora (7.2-51.fc14)
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i686-redhat-linux-gnu".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /root/openh323gk/obj_linux_x86_d_s/gnugk...done.
/root/openh323gk/core: No such file or directory.
(gdb) quit

Thanks & Reg

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