On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Jan Willamowius <jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > It looks like the regex in your config file for the vqueue triggers the > assert(). > Could you please post at öeast that section of your config ? I'll check > if we can do some mor testing on it before it gets used. The configuration looks like this: $ cat gatekeeper.ini [Gatekeeper::Main] Fortytwo=42 EndpointIDSuffix=_gk2 CompareAliasType=0 CompareAliasCase=0 AlternateGKs= SendTo= SkipForwards= UseBroadcastListener=1 UseMulticastListener=1 StatusTraceLevel=5 TraceLevel=5 [GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] phi=1 [RoutedMode] EnableH46018=1 CallSignalPort=1720 [RasSrv::RRQFeatures] OverwriteEPOnSameAddress=1 [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] RoundRobinGateways=1 [RasSrv::Neighbors] GK4=GnuGk [Neighbor::GK4] GatekeeperIdentifier=GK4 Host= SendPrefixes=* AcceptPrefixes=* ForwardLRQ=always [RasSrv::LRQFeatures] ForwardHopCount=2 [LogFile] Filename=/home/rkulagow/gk_trace.log Rotate=Daily RotateTime=00:00 [RoutingPolicy] default=explicit,internal,vqueue,neighbor,enum,srv,dns [RoutingPolicy::OnARQ] ;apply vq routing only to h323_ids ;h323_ID=vqueue,explicit,internal ;apply vq routing only e164 numbers ;dialedDigits=vqueue,explicit,internal ;apply vq routing to h323_ids and e164 numbers default=vqueue,explicit,internal ;default=explicit,internal ; triggers RouteRequest to the gk status line, if 'support', ; 'sales' or US number starting with 215 is called [CTI::Agents] ;VirtualQueueAliases=support,sales ;VirtualQueuePrefixes=001215,0111215,1215 ; similar to the above VirtualQueueRegex=* RequestTimeout=10 I'm trying to send everything to the vqueue in order to try to implement the "GnuGK listening on multiple IP addresses" question that I posted about in the mailing list. (TCS dialing isn't workable, because most of the "other ends" that I deal with have no idea what TCS is, so I'd rather just have,,, etc, where each IP is allocated to internal EPs, and someone suggested in the other thread that vqueue's are the way to accomplish this) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=openh323gk-users Unsubscribe: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/