No multicast response to RAS request from endpoint?

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I've got two endpoints which I've configured for "Auto" as their gatekeeper 
in order to test redundancy.

GnuGK is configured as default, and the startup looks like this:

2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 1                 gk.cxx(607)   GNU Gatekeeper with 
ID 'OpenH323GK' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.2) 
Build(Feb 22 2010, 13:37:26) Sys(Linux i686 2.6.31-19-generic)

Listen on,

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
We also explicitly grant the right to link this code
with the OpenH323/H323Plus and OpenSSL library.

This program contains H.460.18 and H.460.19 technology patented by Tandberg
and licensed to the GNU Gatekeeper Project.

This program contains H.460.23 and H.460.24 technology
licensed to the GNU Gatekeeper Project.

2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 2          singleton.cxx(25)    Create instance: 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 2                 gk.cxx(651)   GK      Disable 
Bandwidth Management
2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 2                 gk.cxx(660)   GK      TimeToLive 
for Registrations: -1
2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 2             RasSrv.cxx(745)   GK      Using 
Direct Signalling
2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 2             RasSrv.cxx(746)   GK      H.245 
Routed Disabled
2010/02/24 13:31:55.799 2             RasSrv.cxx(749)   GK      H.460.18 
Registrations Enabled
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 2             RasSrv.cxx(764)   GK      No 
ENUMservers set, using defaults
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 2             RasSrv.cxx(785)   GK      No 
RDSservers set, using defaults
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 2          singleton.cxx(25)    Create instance: 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 2          singleton.cxx(25)    Create instance: 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 8 Thread unblock pipe
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 5           tlibthrd.cxx(423)   PTLib   Created 
thread 0xb7703070
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 4           tlibthrd.cxx(583)   PTLib   Thread high 
water mark set: 3
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 5                job.cxx(364)   JOB     Worker 
threads: 1 total - 1 busy, 0 idle
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 2          singleton.cxx(25)    Create instance: 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 5           tlibthrd.cxx(499)   PTLib   Started 
thread 0xb7703070 Worker:0xb785ab70
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 5                job.cxx(170)   JOB     Worker 
3078990704 started
2010/02/24 13:31:55.800 5                job.cxx(190)   JOB     Starting 
Job GkStatus at Worker thread 3078990704
2010/02/24 13:31:55.801 4           yasocket.cxx(882)   TCPSrv  CpsLimit 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.801 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 10 Thread unblock pipe
2010/02/24 13:31:55.801 5           tlibthrd.cxx(423)   PTLib   Created 
thread 0xb7703a48
2010/02/24 13:31:55.801 4           tlibthrd.cxx(583)   PTLib   Thread high 
water mark set: 4
2010/02/24 13:31:55.801 5                job.cxx(364)   JOB     Worker 
threads: 2 total - 2 busy, 0 idle
2010/02/24 13:31:55.802 2             RasSrv.cxx(824)   GK      Home =,
2010/02/24 13:31:55.802 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 11 PUDPSocket
2010/02/24 13:31:55.802 1             RasSrv.cxx(519)   Listening to
2010/02/24 13:31:55.802 5           yasocket.cxx(752)   RasSrv  Total 
sockets: 1
2010/02/24 13:31:55.802 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 12 StatusListener
2010/02/24 13:31:55.803 1             RasSrv.cxx(519)   Listening to
2010/02/24 13:31:55.803 5           yasocket.cxx(752)   TCPSrv  Total 
sockets: 1
2010/02/24 13:31:55.803 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 13 PUDPSocket
2010/02/24 13:31:55.803 1             RasSrv.cxx(519)   Listening to
2010/02/24 13:31:55.803 5           yasocket.cxx(752)   RasSrv  Total 
sockets: 2
2010/02/24 13:31:55.803 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 14 PUDPSocket
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 1             RasSrv.cxx(519)   Listening to
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 5           yasocket.cxx(752)   RasSrv  Total 
sockets: 3
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 15 StatusListener
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 1             RasSrv.cxx(519)   Listening to
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 5           yasocket.cxx(752)   TCPSrv  Total 
sockets: 2
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 16 PUDPSocket
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 1             RasSrv.cxx(885)   RAS     Broadcast 
listener listening at
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 5           yasocket.cxx(752)   RasSrv  Total 
sockets: 4
2010/02/24 13:31:55.804 4           yasocket.cxx(882)   TCPSrv  CpsLimit 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.805 1           Neighbor.cxx(299)   Set neighbor 
GK4( send=* accept=*
2010/02/24 13:31:55.805 2            Routing.cxx(751)   VQueue  (CTI) 
Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured
2010/02/24 13:31:55.805 2          singleton.cxx(25)    Create instance: 
2010/02/24 13:31:55.806 2             gkacct.cxx(1088)  GKACCT 
Successfully logged event 8
2010/02/24 13:31:55.806 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File handle 
high water mark set: 18 Thread unblock pipe
2010/02/24 13:31:55.806 5           tlibthrd.cxx(423)   PTLib   Created 
thread 0xb7705d98
2010/02/24 13:31:55.806 4           tlibthrd.cxx(583)   PTLib   Thread high 
water mark set: 5
2010/02/24 13:31:55.806 5                job.cxx(364)   JOB     Worker 
threads: 3 total - 3 busy, 0 idle
2010/02/24 13:31:55.806 5           tlibthrd.cxx(499)   PTLib   Started 
thread 0xb7705d98 Worker:0xb76beb70
2010/02/24 13:31:55.807 5                job.cxx(170)   JOB     Worker 
3077303152 started
2010/02/24 13:31:55.807 5                job.cxx(190)   JOB     Starting 
Job HouseKeeping at Worker thread 3077303152
2010/02/24 13:31:55.807 5           tlibthrd.cxx(499)   PTLib   Started 
thread 0xb7703a48 Worker:0xb76ffb70
2010/02/24 13:31:55.807 5                job.cxx(170)   JOB     Worker 
3077569392 started

A wireshark packet capture shows that the endpoint is sending out a RAS 
gatekeeperRequest to

GnuGK has sent a IGMP "Join group for any source" to

However, the endpoint isn't registering to the GnuGK.

Host is Ubuntu 9.10.  ifconfig shows:
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1c:23:2c:fc:d1
           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
           inet6 addr: fe80::21c:23ff:fe2c:fcd1/64 Scope:Link
           RX packets:3040043 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
           TX packets:111346 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
           collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
           RX bytes:376228575 (376.2 MB)  TX bytes:14859539 (14.8 MB)

and it's sending out IGMP joins.  Anything else I should be looking at?

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Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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