as shown in the debug logs below .... when an unregistered endpoint (EP1) called the registered endpoint (EP2), EP2 sent an ARQ to the gnugk ( and the gnugk replied with a ACF.
30 seconds later, the gnugk sent a disengageRequest (DRQ) to EP2 with the reason "forcedDrop" and EP2 replied with disengageConfirm (DCF). Why is this happening? Is there a 30 seconds time out setting in the gnugk?
I am experiencing this issue on varying gnugk versions (2.3.0, 2.2.8, 2.2.6) compiled and built with openh323_v1_18_0 and pwlib_v1_10_3.
Any thoughts or suggestions why gnugk is cutting off the calls? Thanks in advance for all help.
2009/10/27 01:00:49.560 5 yasocket.cxx(782) RasSrv 1 sockets selected from 3, total 3/0
2009/10/27 01:00:49.560 4 RasSrv.cxx(230) RAS Receiving on
2009/10/27 01:00:49.560 2 RasSrv.cxx(189) RAS Read from
2009/10/27 01:00:49.561 3 RasSrv.cxx(238) RAS
admissionRequest {
requestSeqNum = 2246
callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
endpointIdentifier = 16 characters {
0037 0036 0039 0039 005f 004d 004f 004e 7699_MON
0041 0053 0048 0041 0055 002d 0047 004b ASHAU-GK
destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
82 c2 07 a1 ....
port = 1720
srcInfo = 2 entries {
[0]=dialedDigits "20941"
[1]=h323_ID 12 characters {
0050 0061 0075 006c 0020 0048 0069 0069 Paul Hii
0020 0028 0048 0029 (H)
srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
73 82 0e 5d s..]
port = 3235
bandWidth = 38400
callReferenceValue = 3087
conferenceID = 16 octets {
02 2e f1 ef 82 74 8e 13 35 44 67 14 bd b2 03 81 .....t..5Dg.....
activeMC = FALSE
answerCall = TRUE
canMapAlias = TRUE
callIdentifier = {
guid = 16 octets {
02 2e f1 ef 82 74 8e 13 35 43 67 14 bd b2 03 81 .....t..5Cg.....
willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
2009/10/27 01:00:49.561 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 15 total - 15 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/27 01:00:49.561 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job ARQ at Worker thread 61713312
2009/10/27 01:00:49.561 1 RasSrv.cxx(368) RAS ARQ Received from
2009/10/27 01:00:49.561 3 RasSrv.cxx(2466) GK ARQ will request bandwith of 38400
2009/10/27 01:00:49.562 2 RasTbl.cxx(3130) CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2009/10/27 01:00:49.562 2 RasSrv.cxx(408) ACF||7699_MONASHAU-GK|3087||20941:dialedDigits=Paul Hii (H):h323_ID|true|02-2e-f1-ef-82-74-8e-13-35-43-67-14-bd-b2-03-81;
2009/10/27 01:00:49.562 6 yasocket.cxx(677)> 159 bytes sent
2009/10/27 01:00:49.563 3 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Send to
admissionConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 2246
bandWidth = 38400
callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
ip = 4 octets {
82 c2 0c f7 ....
port = 1721
irrFrequency = 120
willRespondToIRR = FALSE
uuiesRequested = {
setup = FALSE
callProceeding = FALSE
connect = FALSE
alerting = FALSE
information = FALSE
releaseComplete = FALSE
facility = FALSE
progress = FALSE
empty = FALSE
status = FALSE
statusInquiry = FALSE
setupAcknowledge = FALSE
notify = FALSE
2009/10/27 01:00:49.563 5 RasSrv.cxx(264) RAS Sent Successful
2009/10/27 01:00:49.563 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job ARQ deleted
2009/10/27 01:00:49.563 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 15 total - 14 busy, 1 idle
2009/10/27 01:01:19.820 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(9) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.821 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.822 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 3 RasSrv.cxx(250) RAS Send to
disengageRequest {
requestSeqNum = 1
endpointIdentifier = 16 characters {
0037 0036 0039 0039 005f 004d 004f 004e 7699_MON
0041 0053 0048 0041 0055 002d 0047 004b ASHAU-GK
conferenceID = 16 octets {
02 2e f1 ef 82 74 8e 13 35 44 67 14 bd b2 03 81 .....t..5Dg.....
callReferenceValue = 35855
disengageReason = forcedDrop <<null>>
callIdentifier = {
guid = 16 octets {
02 2e f1 ef 82 74 8e 13 35 43 67 14 bd b2 03 81 .....t..5Cg.....
gatekeeperIdentifier = 11 characters {
004d 004f 004e 0041 0053 0048 0041 0055 MONASHAU
002d 0047 004b -GK
answeredCall = FALSE
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 5 RasSrv.cxx(264) RAS Sent Successful
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 2 RasTbl.cxx(2396) Gk Disconnect Call No. 1
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(6) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 6 RasTbl.cxx(3481) GK Removing callptr: 02 2e f1 ef 82 74 8e 13 35 43 67 14 bd b2 03 81
2009/10/27 01:01:19.823 2 RasTbl.cxx(3538) CDR ignore not connected call
2009/10/27 01:01:19.824 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(8) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.824 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.824 5 gkacct.cxx(818) GKACCT FileAcct - CDR string for event 2, call no. 1: CDR|1|02 2e f1 ef 82 74 8e 13 35 43 67 14 bd b2 03 81|0||01:01:19.000 EST Tue Oct 27 2009|:|||7699_MONASHAU-GK||20941:dialedDigits=Paul Hii (H):h323_ID|41
2009/10/27 01:01:19.824 3 gkacct.cxx(1003) GKACCT FileAcct logged event 2 for call no. 1
2009/10/27 01:01:19.825 2 gkacct.cxx(1043) GKACCT Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2009/10/27 01:01:19.825 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(5) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.826 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.827 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:19.828 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(7) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 5 yasocket.cxx(782) RasSrv 1 sockets selected from 3, total 3/0
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 4 RasSrv.cxx(230) RAS Receiving on
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 2 RasSrv.cxx(189) RAS Read from
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 3 RasSrv.cxx(238) RAS
disengageConfirm {
requestSeqNum = 1
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 5 job.cxx(364) JOB Worker threads: 15 total - 15 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 5 job.cxx(190) JOB Starting Job DCF at Worker thread 61713312
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 1 RasSrv.cxx(368) RAS DCF Received from
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 5 job.cxx(427) JOB Job DCF deleted
2009/10/27 01:01:20.291 5 job.cxx(416) JOB Worker threads: 15 total - 14 busy, 1 idle
2009/10/27 01:01:20.823 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.824 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(9) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.824 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.825 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(6) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.826 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(8) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.826 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.827 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.827 6 yasocket.cxx(841) ProxyH(5) waiting...
2009/10/27 01:01:20.827 3 RasTbl.cxx(2143) Gk Delete Call No. 1
From: | openh323gk-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
To: | openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Date: | 25/10/2009 01:13 AM |
Subject: | Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 41, Issue 11 |
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 12:50:47 -0200
From: Edson - Lists <4lists@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: call drops when unregistered endpoint
calls registered endpoint using ip address
To: GNU Gatekeeper Users <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4AE07147.5010007@xxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I already saw this kind of problem.... try to look on the debug, just
before the disconnection. Probably You'll find some hints on whats
My experience show that this kind of error is due some time-out. Maybe
you have some firewall on the path, or something from the type... or
maybe the problem always where there, but you didn't see because 2.2.3
is a pretty old version, and 2.3.0 has many corrections and
exchangements when compared with the previous.
Which clients are you using? Had you tested with other clients?
PacPhone, p.ex....
Paul Hii escreveu:
> Hi,
> we recently upgrade our gnugk from 2.2.3 to 2.3.0.
> After the upgrade, we have calls from unregistered endpoints calling
> registered endpoints using IP address that will disconnect after
> approximately 30 seconds.
> The scenario is ... ("unregistered/registered" is in reference to
> gatekeeper registration) ...
> 1) Unregistered EP1 called a registered EP2 by dialling EP2's IP address.
> 2) Call connects; EP1 and EP2 can see and hear each other.
> 3) Call drops between EP1 and EP2 after approximately 30 seconds.
> I have done debug trc 5 and nothing in the logs indicate the cause of
> the problem. I can send trace when requested.
> This problem is also observed when testing with gnugk 2.2.8.
> I'll be grateful for any advise on how to troubleshoot this.
> Thank you,
> Paul
End of Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 41, Issue 11
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