Call rejected

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Has anybody tried the sample uri.ini file and confirmed whether it is working?

I am testing the latest cvs code, and for test purpose, I am using the
sample etc/uri.ini included in the source code. EP1, EP2 and gnugk
server all live on the LAN without any firewalls. EP1 is registered
with gnugk and EP2 isn't registered with anything. EP2 tries to dial
EP1 using uri dialing, but it fails. gnugk log says "Call rejected".

See attached log file. Any thoughts why the sample file uri.ini doesn't work?

2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: Toolkit(1)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	5	     Toolkit.cxx(1013)	GK	Trying file name /tmp/gnugk.ini-1718 for temp config
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 7 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c00068 PXConfigWriteThread
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 2
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	4	      config.cxx(221)	PTLib	Created PXConfig 0x9c00238
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	4	      config.cxx(336)	PTLib	Reading config file: /tmp/gnugk.ini-1718
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 8 PTextFile
2009/10/29 00:11:20.010	5	     Toolkit.cxx(1046)	GK	Trying file name /tmp/gnugk.ini-5585 for external config
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	4	      config.cxx(221)	PTLib	Created PXConfig 0x9c01750
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	4	      config.cxx(336)	PTLib	Reading config file: /tmp/gnugk.ini-5585
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	6	     channel.cxx(274)	PWLib	Closing channel, fd=8
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c00068 PXConfigWriteThread:0xb7f46b90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	4	      config.cxx(196)	PTLib	Config file cache write back thread started.
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	6	     channel.cxx(274)	PWLib	Closing channel, fd=8
2009/10/29 00:11:20.011	4	     Toolkit.cxx(346)	InterfaceTable: [00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01] <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) [fe:80:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:1e:0b:ff:fe:73:b2:aa] <00-1E-0B-73-B2-AA> (eth0)

2009/10/29 00:11:20.012	2	     Toolkit.cxx(289)	Network=, IP=
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	2	     Toolkit.cxx(289)	Network=, IP=
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	2	     Toolkit.cxx(290)	Default IP=
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	2	  transports.cxx(904)	H323	Use of non IP transport address: ""
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	2	     Toolkit.cxx(444)	GK	H.323 Proxy not enabled by default
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	2	     Toolkit.cxx(784)	GK	Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	2	     Toolkit.cxx(787)	GK	No per GW data loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	5	       clirw.cxx(456)	CLIRW	0 inbound rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	6	       clirw.cxx(459)	Inbound CLI rewrite rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	5	       clirw.cxx(470)	CLIRW	0 outbound rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.013	6	       clirw.cxx(473)	Outbound CLI rewrite rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: CapacityControl(2)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	5	     capctrl.cxx(258)	CAPCTRL	0 IP rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	6	     capctrl.cxx(261)	Per IP call volume rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	5	     capctrl.cxx(271)	CAPCTRL	0 H.323 ID rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	6	     capctrl.cxx(274)	Per H.323 ID call volume rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	5	     capctrl.cxx(284)	CAPCTRL	0 CLI rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	6	     capctrl.cxx(287)	Per CLI call volume rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	5	     capctrl.cxx(258)	CAPCTRL	0 IP rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	6	     capctrl.cxx(261)	Per IP call volume rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	5	     capctrl.cxx(271)	CAPCTRL	0 H.323 ID rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	6	     capctrl.cxx(274)	Per H.323 ID call volume rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	5	     capctrl.cxx(284)	CAPCTRL	0 CLI rules loaded
2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	6	     capctrl.cxx(287)	Per CLI call volume rules:

2009/10/29 00:11:20.014	1	          gk.cxx(612)	GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'OpenH323GK' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.3.1) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=1,pgsql=1,firebird=0,odbc=1,sqlite=1,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=1,h46018=1,h46023=1) Build(Oct 28 2009, 13:14:42) Sys(Linux i686 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5PAE)

2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: CallTable(3)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	          gk.cxx(656)	GK	Disable Bandwidth Management
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	          gk.cxx(665)	GK	TimeToLive for Registrations: 600
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: RasSrv(4)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(209)	Q931PortRange: 30000-30999
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(209)	H245PortRange: 31000-31999
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(209)	T120PortRange: 50000-59999
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(209)	RTPPortRange: 50000-59999
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: Agent(5)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 9 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c05d58 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 3
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 1 total - 1 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 11 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c01970 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 4
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 2 total - 2 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 13 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c0a980 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 5
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 3 total - 3 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 15 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.015	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c0adf8 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 6
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 4 total - 4 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 17 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c0b270 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 7
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 5 total - 5 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 19 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c0b6e8 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 8
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 6 total - 6 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	      RasSrv.cxx(739)	GK	Using Routed Signalling
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	      RasSrv.cxx(740)	GK	H.245 Routed Disabled
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	      RasSrv.cxx(743)	GK	H.460.18 Registrations Disabled
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	      RasSrv.cxx(758)	GK	No ENUMservers set, using defaults
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	      RasSrv.cxx(779)	GK	No RDSservers set, using defaults
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: GkStatus(6)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 21 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c0bb98 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 9
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: RegistrationTable(7)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	    yasocket.cxx(882)	TCPSrv	CpsLimit disabled
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 23 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c0c620 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 10
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 8 total - 8 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.016	2	      RasSrv.cxx(818)	GK	Home =,
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 24 PUDPSocket
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	RasSrv	Total sockets: 1
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 25 CallSignalListener
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	TCPSrv	Total sockets: 1
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 26 StatusListener
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	TCPSrv	Total sockets: 2
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 27 PUDPSocket
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	RasSrv	Total sockets: 2
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 28 PUDPSocket
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c0b270 Worker:0xb7dccb90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c05d58 Worker:0xb7ed0b90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c0adf8 Worker:0xb7e0db90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3084966800 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyH(3) at Worker thread 3084966800
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c0a980 Worker:0xb7e4eb90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3085233040 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyH(2) at Worker thread 3085233040
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c01970 Worker:0xb7e8fb90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3085499280 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyH(1) at Worker thread 3085499280
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3084700560 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyH(4) at Worker thread 3084700560
2009/10/29 00:11:20.017	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c0c620 Worker:0xb7d09b90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3085765520 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyH(0) at Worker thread 3085765520
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c0b6e8 Worker:0xb7d8bb90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3084434320 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job ProxyRTP(0) at Worker thread 3084434320
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c0bb98 Worker:0xb7d4ab90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3084168080 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job GkStatus at Worker thread 3084168080
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3083901840 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job TCPSrv at Worker thread 3083901840
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.018	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	RasSrv	Total sockets: 3
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 29 CallSignalListener
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	TCPSrv	Total sockets: 3
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 30 StatusListener
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	1	      RasSrv.cxx(513)	Listening to
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	TCPSrv	Total sockets: 4
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 31 PUDPSocket
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	1	      RasSrv.cxx(879)	RAS	Broadcast listener listening at
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	5	    yasocket.cxx(752)	RasSrv	Total sockets: 4
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	4	    yasocket.cxx(882)	TCPSrv	CpsLimit disabled
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	2	     Routing.cxx(748)	VQueue	(CTI) Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(8)
2009/10/29 00:11:20.019	1	     Routing.cxx(267)	RoutingPolicy::OnARQ add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,srv,dns for prefix *
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	1	     Routing.cxx(267)	RoutingPolicy::OnLRQ add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,srv,dns for prefix *
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	1	     Routing.cxx(267)	RoutingPolicy::OnSetup add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,srv,dns for prefix *
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	1	     Routing.cxx(267)	RoutingPolicy::OnFacility add policy explicit,internal,parent,neighbor,srv,dns for prefix *
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	2	      gkacct.cxx(1047)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 8
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 33 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c1cc90 
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 11
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 9 total - 9 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c1cc90 Worker:0xb7cc8b90
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3083635600 started
2009/10/29 00:11:20.020	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job HouseKeeping at Worker thread 3083635600
2009/10/29 00:11:21.019	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:21.019	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:21.019	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:21.020	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:21.020	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:21.020	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:21.020	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:22.022	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.023	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.023	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.023	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.024	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.024	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.024	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:23.024	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.025	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.025	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.025	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.026	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.026	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.026	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:24.026	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.027	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.027	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.027	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.028	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.028	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.028	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.028	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:25.099	6	    yasocket.cxx(783)	RasSrv	1 sockets selected from 4, total 4/0
2009/10/29 00:11:25.099	4	      RasSrv.cxx(216)	RAS	Receiving on
2009/10/29 00:11:25.099	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(27,0)
2009/10/29 00:11:25.099	2	      RasSrv.cxx(175)	RAS	Read from
2009/10/29 00:11:25.099	3	      RasSrv.cxx(224)	RAS
registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 9749
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = false
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a a1 0f 07                                        ....
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a a1 0f 07                                        ....
        port = 1719
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 130
          t35Extension = 1
          manufacturerCode = 256
        productId =  12 octets {
          54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67  20 4d 58 50               Tandberg MXP
        versionId =  2 octets {
          36 37                                              67
      terminal = {
        nonStandardData = {
          nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
            t35CountryCode = 130
            t35Extension = 1
            manufacturerCode = 256
          data =  12 octets {
            54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67  20 4d 58 50               Tandberg MXP
      mc = true
      undefinedNode = true
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  26 characters {
        0055 0053 0020 0057 0065 0073 0074 0020   US West 
        0043 006f 0061 0073 0074 0020 0057 0061   Coast Wa
        006c 006e 0075 0074 0020 0043 0072 0065   lnut Cre
        0065 006b                                 ek
      [1]=dialedDigits "800100010"
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 130
        t35Extension = 1
        manufacturerCode = 256
      productId =  12 octets {
        54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67  20 4d 58 50               Tandberg MXP
      versionId =  2 octets {
        36 37                                              67
    keepAlive = false
    willSupplyUUIEs = false
    maintainConnection = false
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    featureSet = {
      replacementFeatureSet = true
      supportedFeatures = 2 entries {
          id = standard 18
          id = nonStandard  16 octets {
            b8 76 c2 91 c5 52 11 da  95 f4 00 0c f1 3e b3 fd   .v...R.......>..
    genericData = 1 entries {
        id = nonStandard  16 octets {
          20 df 89 03 59 6f 45 19  9f 27 73 c0 a5 92 74 af    ...YoE..'s...t.
        parameters = 1 entries {
            id = nonStandard  16 octets {
              20 df 89 03 59 6f 45 19  9f 27 73 c0 a5 92 74 af    ...YoE..'s...t.
            content = raw  70 octets {
              3c 61 73 73 65 6e 74 3e  3c 61 73 73 65 6e 74 5f   <assent><assent_
              74 79 70 65 3e 63 6c 69  65 6e 74 3c 2f 61 73 73   type>client</ass
              65 6e 74 5f 74 79 70 65  3e 3c 76 65 72 73 69 6f   ent_type><versio
              6e 3e 31 3c 2f 76 65 72  73 69 6f 6e 3e 3c 2f 61   n>1</version></a
              73 73 65 6e 74 3e                                  ssent>
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 35 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0x9c226d0 
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 12
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0x9c226d0 Worker:0xb7c87b90
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3083369360 started
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job RRQ at Worker thread 3083369360
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	1	      RasSrv.cxx(354)	RAS	RRQ Received from
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	6	       h4601.cxx(1127)	H460	Create FeatureSet from FeatureSet PDU
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	4	       h4601.cxx(1227)	H460	Loaded Std 18
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	4	       h4601.cxx(1227)	H460	Loaded NonStd b876c291-c552-11da-95f4-000cf13eb3fd
2009/10/29 00:11:25.100	1	      RasTbl.cxx(282)	New EP||US West Coast Walnut Creek:h323_ID=800100010:dialedDigits|terminal|1605_endp

2009/10/29 00:11:25.101	2	      RasSrv.cxx(394)	RCF||US West Coast Walnut Creek:h323_ID=800100010:dialedDigits|terminal|1605_endp;
2009/10/29 00:11:25.101	3	      RasSrv.cxx(236)	RAS	Send to
registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 9749
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
        t35CountryCode = 138
        t35Extension = 2
        manufacturerCode = 2
      data =  5 octets {
        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a a1 f0 ea                                        ....
        port = 1720
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  26 characters {
        0055 0053 0020 0057 0065 0073 0074 0020   US West 
        0043 006f 0061 0073 0074 0020 0057 0061   Coast Wa
        006c 006e 0075 0074 0020 0043 0072 0065   lnut Cre
        0065 006b                                 ek
      [1]=dialedDigits "800100010"
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  11 characters {
      004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
      0047 004b 0000                            GK 
    endpointIdentifier =  10 characters {
      0031 0036 0030 0035 005f 0065 006e 0064   1605_end
      0070 0000                                 p 
    timeToLive = 600
    willRespondToIRR = false
    maintainConnection = false
2009/10/29 00:11:25.101	5	      RasSrv.cxx(250)	RAS	Sent Successful
2009/10/29 00:11:25.101	5	         job.cxx(427)	JOB	Job RRQ deleted
2009/10/29 00:11:25.101	5	         job.cxx(416)	JOB	Worker threads: 10 total - 9 busy, 1 idle
2009/10/29 00:11:26.029	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:26.029	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:26.029	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:26.030	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:26.030	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:26.030	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:26.030	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.031	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.031	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.031	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.032	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.032	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.032	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:27.032	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.033	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.033	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.033	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.034	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.034	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.034	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:28.034	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.035	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.035	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.035	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.036	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.036	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.036	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:29.036	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.037	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.037	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.037	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.038	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.038	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.038	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:30.038	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.039	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.039	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.039	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.040	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.040	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.040	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:31.040	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.041	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.041	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.041	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.042	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.042	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.042	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:32.042	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.043	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.043	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.043	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.044	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.044	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.044	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:33.044	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.045	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.045	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.045	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.046	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.046	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.046	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:34.046	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.047	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.047	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.047	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.048	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.048	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.048	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:35.048	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.049	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.049	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.049	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.050	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.050	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.050	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:36.050	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.051	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.051	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.051	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.052	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.052	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.052	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:37.052	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.053	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.072	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.072	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.072	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.073	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.073	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:38.073	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.074	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.074	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.074	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.074	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.075	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.075	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:39.075	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.076	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.076	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.076	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.077	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.077	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.076	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:40.076	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.078	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.078	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.078	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.079	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.079	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.079	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:41.079	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.080	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.080	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.081	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.081	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.081	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.081	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:42.081	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.082	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.087	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.087	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.087	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.087	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.087	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:43.087	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.088	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.088	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.088	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.089	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.089	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.089	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:44.089	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.090	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.090	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.091	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.091	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.090	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.090	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:45.091	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.092	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.092	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.092	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.093	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.093	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.093	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:46.093	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.094	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.094	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.095	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.095	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.095	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.095	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:47.095	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.096	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.097	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.097	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.097	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.096	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.097	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:48.097	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.098	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.098	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.099	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.099	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.099	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.099	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:49.099	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.100	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.100	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.101	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.101	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.101	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.101	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:50.101	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.102	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.102	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.103	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.103	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.103	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.103	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:51.103	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.104	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.105	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.105	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.105	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.105	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.105	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:52.105	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.106	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.373	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.373	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.373	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.373	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.373	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:53.373	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.374	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.375	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.375	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.375	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.375	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.375	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:54.375	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.376	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.377	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.377	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.377	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.377	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.377	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:55.378	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.378	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.379	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.379	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.379	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.379	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.379	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:56.379	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.380	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.381	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.381	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.381	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.381	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.381	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:57.382	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.382	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.383	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.383	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.383	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.383	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.383	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:58.384	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.385	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.385	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.385	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.385	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.385	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.385	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:11:59.386	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.387	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.387	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.387	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.387	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.387	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.387	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:00.388	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.389	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.389	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.389	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.389	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.389	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.389	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:01.390	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.391	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.391	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.391	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.391	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.391	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.392	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:02.392	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.393	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.393	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.393	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.393	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.393	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.394	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:03.394	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.395	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.395	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.395	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.395	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.395	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.396	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:04.396	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.397	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.397	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.397	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.397	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.397	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.398	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:05.398	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.399	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.399	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.399	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.399	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.399	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.400	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:06.400	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.401	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.401	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.401	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.401	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.401	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.402	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:07.402	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.403	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.403	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.403	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.403	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.403	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.404	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:08.404	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.405	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.405	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.405	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.405	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.405	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.406	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:09.406	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.407	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.407	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.407	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.407	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.407	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.408	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:10.408	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.409	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.409	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.409	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.409	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.409	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.410	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:11.410	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.411	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.411	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.411	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.411	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.411	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.412	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:12.412	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.413	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.413	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.413	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.413	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.413	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.414	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:13.414	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.415	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.415	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.415	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.415	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.415	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.416	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:14.416	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.417	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.417	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.417	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.417	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.417	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.418	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:15.418	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.419	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.419	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.419	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.419	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.419	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.420	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:16.420	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.421	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.421	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.421	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.421	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.421	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.422	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:17.422	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.423	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.423	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.423	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.423	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.423	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.424	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:18.424	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.425	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.425	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.425	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.425	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.425	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.426	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:19.426	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.427	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.427	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.427	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.427	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.427	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.428	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:20.428	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.429	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.429	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.429	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.429	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.429	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.430	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:21.430	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.431	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.431	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.431	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.431	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.431	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.432	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:22.432	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.433	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.433	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.433	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.433	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.433	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.434	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:23.434	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.435	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.435	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.435	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.435	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.435	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.436	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:24.436	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.437	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.437	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.437	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.437	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.437	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.438	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:25.438	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.439	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.439	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.439	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.439	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.439	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.440	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:26.440	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.441	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.441	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.441	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.441	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.441	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.442	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:27.442	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.443	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.443	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.443	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.443	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.443	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.444	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:28.444	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.445	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.445	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.445	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.445	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.445	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.446	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:29.446	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.447	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.447	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.447	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.447	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.447	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.448	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:30.448	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.438	6	    yasocket.cxx(783)	TCPSrv	1 sockets selected from 4, total 4/0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.439	4	    yasocket.cxx(905)	TCPSrv	Accept request on
2009/10/29 00:12:31.439	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(29,2)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.439	6	    yasocket.cxx(933)	TCPSrv	Accepted new connection on from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.439	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 10 total - 10 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:12:31.439	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job Acceptor at Worker thread 3083369360
2009/10/29 00:12:31.449	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.449	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.449	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.449	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.449	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.450	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.450	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:31.458	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(675)	Q931s	Reading from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.458	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(36,0)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.458	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(36,0)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.458	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1015)	Q931s	Received: Setup CRV=29760 from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(958)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 29760
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 88 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      56 4f 44 2d 55 53 20 57  43                        VOD-US WC
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      a1 31 30 2e 31 36 31 2e  31 35 2e 36               .
    IE: User-User = {
      60 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00  05 01 40 08 00 56 00 4f   `.....J...@..V.O
      00 44 00 2d 00 55 00 53  00 20 00 57 00 43 22 c0   .D.-.U.S. .W.C".
      82 01 01 00 07 54 61 6e  64 62 65 72 67 01 35 38   .....Tandberg.58
      50 82 01 01 00 08 54 61  6e 64 62 65 72 67 00 01   P.....Tandberg..
      40 17 00 38 00 30 00 30  00 31 00 30 00 30 00 30   @..
      00 31 00 30 00 40 00 31  00 30 00 2e 00 31 00 36   .1.0.@.1.0...1.6
      00 31 00 2e 00 32 00 34  00 30 00 2e 00 32 00 33   .1...2.4.0...2.3
      00 34 00 0a a1 f0 ea 06  b8 00 02 b2 1d d7 fe e9   .4..............
      1d 26 05 5d 00 50 60 03  7c b0 00 d5 0d 90 00 07   .&.].P`.|.......
      00 0a a1 0f 06 2b 36 11  00 02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d   .....+6.........
      26 05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c  b0 01 00 01 00 01 00 01   &.\.P`.|........
      80 01 00 10 80 01 00 00  05 08 56 4f 44 2d 55 53   ..........VOD-US
      20 57 43                                            WC
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  9 characters {
            0056 004f 0044 002d 0055 0053 0020 0057   VOD-US W
            0043                                      C
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 130
              t35Extension = 1
              manufacturerCode = 256
            productId =  8 octets {
              54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67                            Tandberg
            versionId =  2 octets {
              35 38                                              58
          terminal = {
            nonStandardData = {
              nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
                t35CountryCode = 130
                t35Extension = 1
                manufacturerCode = 256
              data =  8 octets {
                54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67                            Tandberg
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  24 characters {
            0038 0030 0030 0031 0030 0030 0030 0031   80010001
            0030 0040 0031 0030 002e 0031 0036 0031   0@xxxxxx
            002e 0032 0034 0030 002e 0032 0033 0034   .240.234
        destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            0a a1 f0 ea                                        ....
          port = 1720
        activeMC = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5d 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.].P`.|.
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            0a a1 0f 06                                        ....
          port = 11062
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.\.P`.|.
        mediaWaitForConnect = false
        canOverlapSend = false
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = true
        presentationIndicator = presentationAllowed <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
    user_data = {
      protocol_discriminator = 5
      user_information =  9 octets {
        56 4f 44 2d 55 53 20 57  43                        VOD-US WC
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1868)	Q931s	GWRewrite source for setup H323 ID or E164
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	2	     Toolkit.cxx(675)		RewriteToE164: 800100010@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to 800100010
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	2	   singleton.cxx(25)	Create instance: PreliminaryCallTable(9)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	5	     Routing.cxx(197)	ROUTING	Checking policy Explicit for request Setup CRV=29760
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	5	     Routing.cxx(197)	ROUTING	Checking policy Internal for request Setup CRV=29760
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	5	     Routing.cxx(197)	ROUTING	Checking policy SRV for request Setup CRV=29760
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	5	     Routing.cxx(197)	ROUTING	Checking policy DNS for request Setup CRV=29760
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	4	     Routing.cxx(616)	ROUTING	DNS policy resolves to 800100010 @
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	5	     Routing.cxx(203)	ROUTING	Policy DNS applied to the request Setup CRV=29760
2009/10/29 00:12:31.459	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(2258)	Q931s	Unregistered party is not NATed
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	2	      RasTbl.cxx(3309)	CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	2	      gkacct.cxx(1047)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(4265)	Q931s	Set Calling Numbering Plan 1 Type Of Number 2
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(2631)	Q931s	Call 1 is NAT type 0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	1	ProxyChannel.cxx(862)	Call 1: h245Routed=0 proxy=0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(958)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 29760
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 88 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      56 4f 44 2d 55 53 20 57  43                        VOD-US WC
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      a1 31 30 2e 31 36 31 2e  31 35 2e 36               .
    IE: User-User = {
      60 b0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  05 01 40 08 00 56 00 4f   `.....J...@..V.O
      00 44 00 2d 00 55 00 53  00 20 00 57 00 43 22 c0   .D.-.U.S. .W.C".
      82 01 01 00 07 54 61 6e  64 62 65 72 67 01 35 38   .....Tandberg.58
      50 82 01 01 00 08 54 61  6e 64 62 65 72 67 00 01   P.....Tandberg..
      04 00 b3 34 33 34 30 02  b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26 05   ...4340.......&.
      5d 00 50 60 03 7c b0 00  75 0d 90 07 00 0a a1 f0   ].P`.|..u.......
      ea 06 b8 11 00 02 b2 1d  d7 fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00   ............&.\.
      50 60 03 7c b0 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 00 01 00 02   P`.|............
      80 01 00 00 05 08 56 4f  44 2d 55 53 20 57 43      ......VOD-US WC
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  9 characters {
            0056 004f 0044 002d 0055 0053 0020 0057   VOD-US W
            0043                                      C
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 130
              t35Extension = 1
              manufacturerCode = 256
            productId =  8 octets {
              54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67                            Tandberg
            versionId =  2 octets {
              35 38                                              58
          terminal = {
            nonStandardData = {
              nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
                t35CountryCode = 130
                t35Extension = 1
                manufacturerCode = 256
              data =  8 octets {
                54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67                            Tandberg
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "800100010"
        activeMC = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5d 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.].P`.|.
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            0a a1 f0 ea                                        ....
          port = 1720
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.\.P`.|.
        mediaWaitForConnect = false
        canOverlapSend = false
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
        presentationIndicator = presentationAllowed <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
    user_data = {
      protocol_discriminator = 5
      user_information =  9 octets {
        56 4f 44 2d 55 53 20 57  43                        VOD-US WC
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 37 CallSignalSocket
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	6	    yasocket.cxx(783)	TCPSrv	1 sockets selected from 4, total 4/0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	4	    yasocket.cxx(905)	TCPSrv	Accept request on
2009/10/29 00:12:31.460	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(29,2)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	6	    yasocket.cxx(933)	TCPSrv	Accepted new connection on from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	4	      osutil.cxx(188)	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 40 Thread unblock pipe
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(378)	PTLib	Created thread 0xb7b015f0 
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	4	    tlibthrd.cxx(547)	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 13
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	5	         job.cxx(364)	JOB	Worker threads: 11 total - 11 busy, 0 idle
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	5	    tlibthrd.cxx(454)	PTLib	Started thread 0xb7b015f0 Worker:0xb7c46b90
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(37,3)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	5	         job.cxx(170)	JOB	Worker 3083103120 started
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(4118)	Q931	Connect to from successful
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	5	         job.cxx(190)	JOB	Starting Job Acceptor at Worker thread 3083103120
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	6	    yasocket.cxx(678) 187 bytes sent
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(675)	Q931s	Reading from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(38,0)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(38,0)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1015)	Q931s	Received: Setup CRV=29760 from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.461	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(958)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 29760
    from = originator
    messageType = Setup
    IE: Bearer-Capability = {
      88 18 88 a5                                        ....
    IE: Display = {
      56 4f 44 2d 55 53 20 57  43                        VOD-US WC
    IE: Calling-Party-Number = {
      a1 31 30 2e 31 36 31 2e  31 35 2e 36               .
    IE: User-User = {
      60 b0 06 00 08 91 4a 00  05 01 40 08 00 56 00 4f   `.....J...@..V.O
      00 44 00 2d 00 55 00 53  00 20 00 57 00 43 22 c0   .D.-.U.S. .W.C".
      82 01 01 00 07 54 61 6e  64 62 65 72 67 01 35 38   .....Tandberg.58
      50 82 01 01 00 08 54 61  6e 64 62 65 72 67 00 01   P.....Tandberg..
      04 00 b3 34 33 34 30 02  b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26 05   ...4340.......&.
      5d 00 50 60 03 7c b0 00  75 0d 90 07 00 0a a1 f0   ].P`.|..u.......
      ea 06 b8 11 00 02 b2 1d  d7 fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00   ............&.\.
      50 60 03 7c b0 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 00 01 00 02   P`.|............
      80 01 00 00 05 08 56 4f  44 2d 55 53 20 57 43      ......VOD-US WC
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = setup {
        protocolIdentifier =
        sourceAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=h323_ID  9 characters {
            0056 004f 0044 002d 0055 0053 0020 0057   VOD-US W
            0043                                      C
        sourceInfo = {
          vendor = {
            vendor = {
              t35CountryCode = 130
              t35Extension = 1
              manufacturerCode = 256
            productId =  8 octets {
              54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67                            Tandberg
            versionId =  2 octets {
              35 38                                              58
          terminal = {
            nonStandardData = {
              nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
                t35CountryCode = 130
                t35Extension = 1
                manufacturerCode = 256
              data =  8 octets {
                54 61 6e 64 62 65 72 67                            Tandberg
          mc = false
          undefinedNode = false
        destinationAddress = 1 entries {
          [0]=dialedDigits "800100010"
        activeMC = false
        conferenceID =  16 octets {
          02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5d 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.].P`.|.
        conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
        callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
        sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
          ip =  4 octets {
            0a a1 f0 ea                                        ....
          port = 1720
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.\.P`.|.
        mediaWaitForConnect = false
        canOverlapSend = false
        multipleCalls = false
        maintainConnection = false
        presentationIndicator = presentationAllowed <<null>>
      h245Tunneling = false
    user_data = {
      protocol_discriminator = 5
      user_information =  9 octets {
        56 4f 44 2d 55 53 20 57  43                        VOD-US WC
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(1868)	Q931s	GWRewrite source for setup H323 ID or E164
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	2	ProxyChannel.cxx(1926)	Q931s	Warning: socket ( already attached for callid 02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(2010)	Q931s	Supressing accounting start event for call #1
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	6	      RasTbl.cxx(3658)	GK	Removing callptr: 02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	2	      RasTbl.cxx(3715)	CDR	ignore not connected call
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	2	      gkacct.cxx(1047)	GKACCT	Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(958)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 62528
    from = destination
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
      80 95                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 02 b2 1d d7   %.....J.........
      fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00 50  60 03 7c b0 02 80 01 00   ...&.\.P`.|.....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.\.P`.|.
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	6	    yasocket.cxx(678) 49 bytes sent
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(6473)	ProxyH(0) total sockets 2
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	6	    yasocket.cxx(783)	ProxyH(0)	1 sockets selected from 2, total 0/2
2009/10/29 00:12:31.462	6	     channel.cxx(274)	PWLib	Closing channel, fd=38
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	5	ProxyChannel.cxx(675)	Q931d	Reading from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	5	         job.cxx(427)	JOB	Job Acceptor deleted
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	3	    yasocket.cxx(577)	Q931s	Delete socket
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	5	         job.cxx(416)	JOB	Worker threads: 11 total - 10 busy, 1 idle
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	5	         job.cxx(427)	JOB	Job Acceptor deleted
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(37,0)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	5	         job.cxx(416)	JOB	Worker threads: 11 total - 9 busy, 2 idle
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	7	    tlibthrd.cxx(1023)	PTLib	PThread::PXBlockOnIO(37,0)
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(1015)	Q931d	Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=29760 from
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(958)	Q931	Received: {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 29760
    from = destination
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
      80 95                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 02 b2 1d d7   %.....J.........
      fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00 50  60 03 7c b0 02 80 01 00   ...&.\.P`.|.....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.\.P`.|.
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	6	      RasTbl.cxx(3658)	GK	Removing callptr: 02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	4	ProxyChannel.cxx(958)	Q931	Send to {
  q931pdu = {
    protocolDiscriminator = 8
    callReference = 29760
    from = destination
    messageType = ReleaseComplete
    IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
      80 95                                              ..
    IE: User-User = {
      25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 02 b2 1d d7   %.....J.........
      fe e9 1d 26 05 5c 00 50  60 03 7c b0 02 80 01 00   ...&.\.P`.|.....
  h225pdu = {
    h323_uu_pdu = {
      h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
        protocolIdentifier =
        callIdentifier = {
          guid =  16 octets {
            02 b2 1d d7 fe e9 1d 26  05 5c 00 50 60 03 7c b0   .......&.\.P`.|.
      h245Tunneling = false
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	6	    yasocket.cxx(678) 49 bytes sent
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	6	     channel.cxx(274)	PWLib	Closing channel, fd=37
2009/10/29 00:12:31.463	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.451	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.451	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.451	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.451	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.452	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.452	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:32.465	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.453	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.453	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.453	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.453	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.454	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.454	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:33.467	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.455	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.455	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.455	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.455	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.456	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.456	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:34.469	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.457	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.457	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.457	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.457	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.458	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.458	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:35.471	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.459	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.459	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.459	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.459	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.460	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.460	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:36.473	3	    yasocket.cxx(577)	Q931s	Delete socket
2009/10/29 00:12:36.473	6	     channel.cxx(274)	PWLib	Closing channel, fd=36
2009/10/29 00:12:36.473	3	    yasocket.cxx(577)	Q931d	Delete socket
2009/10/29 00:12:36.473	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.175	3	      RasTbl.cxx(2177)	Gk	Delete Call No. 1
2009/10/29 00:12:37.461	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.461	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.461	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.461	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.462	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.462	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:37.475	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.463	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.463	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.463	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.463	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.464	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.464	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:38.477	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.465	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.465	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.465	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.465	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.466	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.466	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:39.479	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.467	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.467	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.467	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.467	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.468	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.468	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:40.481	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.469	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.469	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.469	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.469	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.470	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.470	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:41.483	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.471	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.471	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.471	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.471	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.472	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.472	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:42.485	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.473	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.473	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.473	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.473	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.474	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.474	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:43.487	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.475	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.475	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.475	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.475	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.476	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.476	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:44.489	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.477	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.477	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.477	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.477	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.478	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.478	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:45.491	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.479	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.479	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.479	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.479	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.480	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.480	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:46.493	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.481	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.481	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.481	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.481	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.482	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.482	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:47.495	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.483	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.483	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.483	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.483	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.484	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.484	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:48.497	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.485	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.485	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.485	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.485	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.486	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.486	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:49.499	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.487	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.487	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.487	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.487	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.488	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.488	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:50.501	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.489	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.489	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.489	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.489	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.490	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.490	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:51.503	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.491	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(3) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.491	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(1) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.491	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyRTP(0) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.491	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(2) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.492	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	GkStatus waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.492	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(4) waiting...
2009/10/29 00:12:52.505	6	    yasocket.cxx(842)	ProxyH(0) waiting...
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