[SPAM] Subject: codec filtering patch

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Patch to filter codec via cisco vsa radius attribute, like Cisco-AVPair = "h323-ivr-in=codec-disable:g711Ulaw64k;g729;g711Alaw64k;gsmFullRate;g729AnnexA;"
codec names from H245_AudioCapability class from h245.h without e_ prefix.

diff -c openh323gk/ProxyChannel.cxx openh323gk_p/ProxyChannel.cxx
*** openh323gk/ProxyChannel.cxx	Mon Apr 20 21:01:22 2009
--- openh323gk_p/ProxyChannel.cxx	Mon May 11 11:31:46 2009
*** 1155,1160 ****
--- 1155,1161 ----

  bool CallSignalSocket::HandleH245Mesg(PPER_Stream & strm, bool & suppress)
+ 	bool carchen = false;
  	H245_MultimediaSystemControlMessage h245msg;
  	if (!h245msg.Decode(strm)) {
  		PTRACE(3, "H245\tERROR DECODING H.245 from " << GetName());
*** 1162,1168 ****

  	PTRACE(4, "H245\tReceived from " << GetName() << ": " << setprecision(2) << h245msg);
  	if (h245msg.GetTag() == H245_MultimediaSystemControlMessage::e_request
  			&& ((H245_RequestMessage&)h245msg).GetTag() == H245_RequestMessage::e_openLogicalChannel) {
  		H245_OpenLogicalChannel &olc = (H245_RequestMessage&)h245msg;
--- 1163,1169 ----

  	PTRACE(4, "H245\tReceived from " << GetName() << ": " << setprecision(2) << h245msg);
  	if (h245msg.GetTag() == H245_MultimediaSystemControlMessage::e_request
  			&& ((H245_RequestMessage&)h245msg).GetTag() == H245_RequestMessage::e_openLogicalChannel) {
  		H245_OpenLogicalChannel &olc = (H245_RequestMessage&)h245msg;
*** 1212,1218 ****

! 	if (!m_h245handler || !m_h245handler->HandleMesg(h245msg, suppress))
  		return false;

--- 1213,1256 ----

! ! ! if (h245msg.GetTag() == H245_MultimediaSystemControlMessage::e_request
!     	    && ((H245_RequestMessage&)h245msg).GetTag() == H245_RequestMessage::e_terminalCapabilitySet) {
! ! H245_TerminalCapabilitySet &tcs = (H245_RequestMessage&)h245msg; ! ! H245_ArrayOf_CapabilityTableEntry & CapabilityTables = tcs.m_capabilityTable;
!     	    for (PINDEX i = 0; i < CapabilityTables.GetSize(); i++) {
! 		PTRACE(4, "CapabilityTable: " << setprecision(2) << CapabilityTables[i]);
! 		int cten = CapabilityTables[i].m_capabilityTableEntryNumber.GetValue();
! 		H245_Capability & H245Capability = CapabilityTables[i].m_capability;
! 		if (H245Capability.GetTag() == H245_Capability::e_receiveAudioCapability ){
! 		    H245_AudioCapability &H245AudioCapability = (H245_Capability&)H245Capability;
! 		    if (m_call->GetDisableCodec().Find(H245AudioCapability.GetTagName()+";",0) != P_MAX_INDEX){
! 			PTRACE(4, "Delete Carability");
! 			carchen = true;
! 			CapabilityTables.RemoveAt(i);
! 			i--;
! 			H245_ArrayOf_CapabilityDescriptor & CapabilityDescriptor = tcs.m_capabilityDescriptors;
! 			for (PINDEX n = 0; n < CapabilityDescriptor.GetSize(); n++){
! 			    H245_ArrayOf_AlternativeCapabilitySet & AlternativeCapabilitySet =  CapabilityDescriptor[n].m_simultaneousCapabilities;
! 			    for (PINDEX j = 0; j < AlternativeCapabilitySet.GetSize(); j++){
! for (PINDEX m = 0; m < AlternativeCapabilitySet[j].GetSize(); m++){ ! if (cten == AlternativeCapabilitySet[j][m].GetValue()){ ! PTRACE(4, "Capability Descriptors Number"); ! AlternativeCapabilitySet[j].RemoveAt(m);
! 				    }
! 				}
! 			    }
! 			}
! 		    }
! 		}
!     	    }
!     	    PTRACE(4, "New Capability Table: " << setprecision(2) << tcs);
! 	}
! ! if ((!m_h245handler || !m_h245handler->HandleMesg(h245msg, suppress)) && !carchen)
  		return false;

*** 2124,2129 ****
--- 2162,2170 ----

+ 	if (!rejectCall && strlen(authData.m_disablecodecs) > 0)
+ 	    m_call->SetDisableCodec(authData.m_disablecodecs);
  	// perform outbound rewrite
  	PIPSocket::Address calleeAddr;
  	WORD calleePort = 0;
*** 3226,3233 ****
  bool CallSignalSocket::OnFastStart(H225_ArrayOf_PASN_OctetString & fastStart, bool fromCaller)
  	bool changed = false;
! 	PINDEX sz = fastStart.GetSize();
! 	for (PINDEX i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
  		PPER_Stream strm = fastStart[i].GetValue();
  		H245_OpenLogicalChannel olc;
  		if (!olc.Decode(strm)) {
--- 3267,3273 ----
  bool CallSignalSocket::OnFastStart(H225_ArrayOf_PASN_OctetString & fastStart, bool fromCaller)
  	bool changed = false;
! 	for (PINDEX i = 0; i < fastStart.GetSize(); ++i) {
  		PPER_Stream strm = fastStart[i].GetValue();
  		H245_OpenLogicalChannel olc;
  		if (!olc.Decode(strm)) {
*** 3235,3240 ****
--- 3275,3301 ----
  			return false;
  		PTRACE(4, "Q931\nfastStart[" << i << "] received: " << setprecision(2) << olc);
+ + if (olc.m_forwardLogicalChannelParameters.m_dataType.GetTag() == H245_DataType::e_audioData && olc.m_forwardLogicalChannelParameters.m_dataType.GetTag() != H245_DataType::e_nullData){
+ 		    H245_AudioCapability & ac = (H245_DataType&)olc.m_forwardLogicalChannelParameters.m_dataType;
+ 	    	    if (m_call->GetDisableCodec().Find(ac.GetTagName()+";",0) != P_MAX_INDEX){
+ 	    		PTRACE(4, "Delete Forward Logical Channel");
+ 	    		fastStart.RemoveAt(i);
+ 	    		i--;
+ 	    		continue;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ + if (olc.m_reverseLogicalChannelParameters.m_dataType.GetTag() == H245_DataType::e_audioData && olc.m_reverseLogicalChannelParameters.m_dataType.GetTag() != H245_DataType::e_nullData){
+ 		    H245_AudioCapability & ac = (H245_DataType&)olc.m_reverseLogicalChannelParameters.m_dataType;
+ 		    if (m_call->GetDisableCodec().Find(ac.GetTagName()+";",0) != P_MAX_INDEX){
+ 	    		PTRACE(4, "Delete Reverse Logical Channel");
+ 	    		fastStart.RemoveAt(i);
+ 	    		i--;
+ 	    		continue;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
  		H245Handler::pMem handlefs = (fromCaller) ? &H245Handler::HandleFastStartSetup : &H245Handler::HandleFastStartResponse;
  		if ((m_h245handler->*handlefs)(olc)) {
  			PPER_Stream wtstrm;
*** 3271,3276 ****
--- 3332,3338 ----
+ 	PTRACE(4, "New FastStart: " << setprecision(2) <<fastStart);
  	return changed;

*** 4024,4029 ****
--- 4086,4094 ----
  	if (hnat && Request.GetTag() == H245_RequestMessage::e_openLogicalChannel)
  		return hnat->HandleOpenLogicalChannel(Request);
+ 	if 	(Request.GetTag() == H245_RequestMessage::e_terminalCapabilitySet)
+ 	    return true;
+ 	else
  		return false;

diff -c openh323gk/RasSrv.cxx openh323gk_p/RasSrv.cxx
*** openh323gk/RasSrv.cxx	Wed Apr 22 16:21:49 2009
--- openh323gk_p/RasSrv.cxx	Fri May  8 16:19:16 2009
*** 2590,2595 ****
--- 2590,2598 ----


+ 		if (strlen(authData.m_disablecodecs) > 0)
+ 		    pCallRec->SetDisableCodec(authData.m_disablecodecs);
  		if (authData.m_callDurationLimit > 0)
  		if (!authData.m_callingStationId)
diff -c openh323gk/RasTbl.cxx openh323gk_p/RasTbl.cxx
*** openh323gk/RasTbl.cxx	Mon Apr 20 21:01:22 2009
--- openh323gk_p/RasTbl.cxx	Thu May  7 15:36:10 2009
*** 2354,2359 ****
--- 2354,2364 ----
  		m_timeout = sec;

+ void CallRec::SetDisableCodec(PString dcodec)
+ {
+     m_disablecodec = dcodec.Trim();
+ }
  void CallRec::InternalSetEP(endptr & ep, const endptr & nep)
  	if (ep != nep) {
diff -c openh323gk/RasTbl.h openh323gk_p/RasTbl.h
*** openh323gk/RasTbl.h	Mon Apr 20 13:28:49 2009
--- openh323gk_p/RasTbl.h	Thu May  7 15:37:38 2009
*** 770,775 ****
--- 770,783 ----
  		has not been yet received.
  		Meaningful only in GK routed mode.
+ + /** Set disable codec for this call */
+         void SetDisableCodec(
+ 	    PString dcodec /// codec to be set
+ 	);
+ + PString GetDisableCodec() const; +
  	time_t GetSetupTime() const;

  	/** Set timestamp for a Setup message associated with this call. */
*** 1089,1094 ****
--- 1097,1106 ----
  	PString m_inbound_rewrite_id;
  	// rewrite id for outbound leg of call
  	PString m_outbound_rewrite_id;
+ + + /// desable-codec
+         PString m_disablecodec;

  	/// current timeout (or duration limit) for the call
  	long m_timeout;
*** 1566,1571 ****
--- 1578,1588 ----
  		(m_Called && m_Called->GetCallSignalAddress() == *adr);

+ inline PString CallRec::GetDisableCodec() const
+ {
+     return m_disablecodec;
+ }
  inline time_t CallRec::GetSetupTime() const
  	return m_setupTime;
diff -c openh323gk/gkauth.h openh323gk_p/gkauth.h
*** openh323gk/gkauth.h	Mon Feb  9 18:26:21 2009
--- openh323gk_p/gkauth.h	Fri May  8 16:20:57 2009
*** 97,102 ****
--- 97,104 ----
  	int m_rejectReason;
  	/// -1 if not set, max allowe call duration in seconds otherwise
  	long m_callDurationLimit;
+ 	/// disable codec
+ 	PString m_disablecodecs;
  	/// endpoint that sent the request
  	endptr m_requestingEP;
  	/// call associated with the request (if any, only for answering ARQ)
*** 153,158 ****
--- 155,162 ----
  	int m_rejectCause;
  	/// -1 if not set, max allowe call duration in seconds otherwise
  	long m_callDurationLimit;
+ 	/// disable codec
+         PString m_disablecodecs;
  	/// call associated with the message (if any)
  	callptr m_call;
  	/// is the Setup message from a registered endpoint
Only in openh323gk_p/: gnugkbuildopts.h
diff -c openh323gk/radauth.cxx openh323gk_p/radauth.cxx
*** openh323gk/radauth.cxx	Mon Feb  9 16:25:59 2009
--- openh323gk_p/radauth.cxx	Fri May  8 15:17:26 2009
*** 731,736 ****
--- 731,758 ----
+ // process h323-ivr-in=codec-disable attribute + if (result) { + attr = response->FindVsaAttr(RadiusAttr::CiscoVendorId, + RadiusAttr::CiscoVSA_AV_Pair);
+ 	    while (attr != NULL) {
+ 		PINDEX index;
+ 		value = attr->AsCiscoString();
+ if (value.Find("h323-ivr-in=") == 0 + && ((index = value.Find("codec-disable:")) != P_MAX_INDEX)) {
+ 		    index += strlen("codec-disable:");
+ 		    const PINDEX semicolonpos = value.FindLast(';', index);
+ 		    value = value.Mid(index, semicolonpos == P_MAX_INDEX
+ 			? P_MAX_INDEX : (semicolonpos-index));
+ PTRACE(4, "RADAUTH\t" << GetName() << " Setup check set codec-disable: " << value); + authData.m_disablecodecs = value;
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ attr = response->FindVsaAttr(RadiusAttr::CiscoVendorId, + RadiusAttr::CiscoVSA_AV_Pair, attr);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
  	// check for h323-credit-time attribute (call duration limit)
  	if (result) {
attr = response->FindVsaAttr(RadiusAttr::CiscoVendorId, ***************
*** 1053,1058 ****
--- 1075,1102 ----
+ + // process h323-ivr-in=codec-disable attribute
+ 	if (result) {
+ attr = response->FindVsaAttr(RadiusAttr::CiscoVendorId, + RadiusAttr::CiscoVSA_AV_Pair);
+     	    while (attr != NULL) {
+ 		PINDEX index;
+ 		value = attr->AsCiscoString();
+ if (value.Find("h323-ivr-in=") == 0 + && ((index = value.Find("codec-disable:")) != P_MAX_INDEX)) {
+ 		    index += strlen("codec-disable:");
+ 		    const PINDEX semicolonpos = value.FindLast(';', index);
+ 		    value = value.Mid(index, semicolonpos == P_MAX_INDEX
+ 			? P_MAX_INDEX : (semicolonpos-index));
+ PTRACE(4, "RADAUTH\t" << GetName() << " Setup check set codec-disable: " << value); + authData.m_disablecodecs = value;
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ attr = response->FindVsaAttr(RadiusAttr::CiscoVendorId, + RadiusAttr::CiscoVSA_AV_Pair, attr);
+     	    }
+ 	}
  	// check for h323-credit-time attribute (call duration limit)
  	if (result) {
attr = response->FindVsaAttr(RadiusAttr::CiscoVendorId, ***************
*** 1076,1081 ****
--- 1120,1126 ----
  	// check for Session-Timeout attribute (alternate call duration limit)
  	if (result) {
  		const RadiusAttr* const tattr = response->FindAttr(RadiusAttr::SessionTimeout);

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