having different call-ids in ARQ and Setupt looks pretty broken...
You should be able to skip the autentication on ARQ, but GnuGk will
start building its call record with the ARQ anyway and there is no way
to avoid the routing on ARQ.
I'm not sure the is a way work around such a broken implementation.
Nour Omar wrote:
> The problem is that for this endpoint the callIdentifier in ARQ is different from the one sent in Setup.
> >From ARQ:
> ....
> ....
> callIdentifier = {
> guid = 16 octets {
> cb 52 bd 78 49 fe 18 10 81 ea 00 11 43 04 d8 76 .R.xI.......C..v
> }
> }
> ....
> q931pdu:
> ....
> callIdentifier = {
> guid = 16 octets {
> 4f 71 bd 78 49 fe 18 10 81 eb 00 11 43 04 d8 76 Oq.xI.......C..v
> }
> }
> ....
> ....
> Since I cannot change this endpoint, I would like to move my authentication and routing to setup but I'm still figuring out how to implement that. I would like to skip the routing during ARQ as I explained in my earlier email below.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> thnx,
> Nour.
> --- On Mon, 4/27/09, Nour Omar <
nouromar1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: Nour Omar <
> Subject: Re: CallId is not the same for authentication and accounting.
> To: "GNU Gatekeeper Users" <
> Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 12:52 PM
> Jan,
> This was NOT happening for all the calls, I found it was happening for one endpoint. I will send you the traces.
> In the mean, I was wondering if there is away I can skip authentication in ARQ and authenticate Setup instead. My callers are always registered but the called are
mostly external telephone numbers routed from db during SqlAuth authentication. If Iremove ARQ authentication(or I did simple sqlauth authentication that returns 1) , the call fails with an error saying "CalledPartyNotRegistered" this happens before setup.
> So I was wondering a workaround this.
> Thanks,
> --- On Mon, 4/27/09, Jan Willamowius <
jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: Jan Willamowius <
> Subject: Re: CallId is not the same for authentication and accounting.
> To:
openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Monday, April 27, 2009, 10:35 AM
> Hi,
> this is certainly not the expected behavior. The CallID is supposed to
> be the same for authentication and accounting. (It is actually expected
> to be globally unique, but I wouldn't totally count on that.)
> The CallID is taken from the messages the endpoints send. Did you check
> in a trace if the endpoints always send the same CallID ?
> Regards,
> Jan
> Nour Omar wrote:
> > I was trying to use CallId parameter in sqlAuth and SqlAcct so that I correlate some data I created in a table during the authentication which is needed during accounting.
> > It looks like the value I;m geting during the sqlauth is not the same as one I get later during sqlacct. Start
and Stop accounting have identical values for CallId parameter but this value is different from one I got during sql authentication for the same call.
> >
> > Is this a bug or something expected? who
> created the CallId values, the gatekeeper or the endpoint?
> > If the callId is not the right parameter to use for this purpose, do u know which parameter I can use.
> > thnx,
Jan Willamowius,
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