Hi, I have committed an implementation to the CVS now. Please test it! There is one thing to consider when you are making modified versions of GnuGk: We got a H.460.18/.19 patent license from Tandberg for the GnuGk Project. I'm not a lawyer and I haven't been able to get a clear answer from Tandberg how far this license applies to modified versions, so you have to use your own judgment. You can see the license text at http://www.tandbergusa.com/collateral/tandberg-ITU-license.pdf http://www.tandberg.com/collateral/tandberg-ITU-H460-license-agreement.pdf When you compile GnuGk, H.460.18/.19 has to be enabled explicitly: ./configure --enable-h46018 You have to compile with H323Plus to enable it. I use the CVS version along with PTLib 2.4.5, but the release version works as well, if you patch the Linux src/Makefile: http://www.gnugk.org/download/src-Makefile-h46018.patch In your config you have to enable it [RoutedMode] EnableH46018=1 All H.460.18 calls will automatically be placed in proxy mode so you don't have to enable proxy mode for all calls. You can disable H.460.18 in [EP::...] sections with DisableH46018=1. For neighbors, you can use [Neighbor::...] UseH46018=1 to keep open a pinhole as described in H.460.18, but I haven't found a gatekeeper besides GnuGk to test this with. Have fun, Jan Jan Willamowius wrote: > Hi, > > Tandberg has granted the GNU Gatekeeper project a license to their > patents covering H.460.18 and .19. As a result of that, starting with > the next release, GnuGk will be released purely under GPL v2 and the > option to use a later release will go away - GPL v3 is incompatible with > patents. (Actually, we should have done this long ago since GnuGk is > already using patented technology for the other NAT traversal > techniques.) > > I have already started working on the implementation. If you are > interested in H.460.18/.19 support, please contact me off-list. > > Cheers, > Jan > > -- > Jan Willamowius, jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.gnugk.org/ -- Jan Willamowius, jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.gnugk.org/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay on top of everything new and different, both inside and around Java (TM) technology - register by April 22, and save $200 on the JavaOne (SM) conference, June 2-5, 2009, San Francisco. 300 plus technical and hands-on sessions. Register today. Use priority code J9JMT32. http://p.sf.net/sfu/p _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=openh323gk-users Unsubscribe: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/