Hi, Seems there is a problem at your RadAuth Port . [RadAliasAuth] Servers= DefaultAuthPort=1645 AuthPort = 1812 or 1645 ?? Would you pls verify this . Regards, ..Tusar.. On 5/26/06, Abhijit <abhijit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
HI all, I have configured my Gnugk gatekeeper to authenticate the RRQ messages to be authenticated by RADIUS server. I have an entry in RADIUS as user name= ad, password=ad1 When I try to register a soft phone (SJPhone) to the gatekeeper using the user name=ad, password=ad1, the gatekeeper sends an authentication Request to the RADIUS using the user name=ad, password=ad. The gatekeeper sends the RADIUS server the same value for password field which is configured for user name field. My configuration is:- [Gatekeeper::Auth] RadAliasAuth=required;RRQ default=allow [RadAliasAuth] Servers= ;LocalInterface= ;RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 DefaultAuthPort=1645 SharedSecret=testing123 ;RequestTimeout=2000 ;IdCacheTimeout=9000 ;SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 RequestRetransmissions=1 ;RoundRobinServers=1 AppendCiscoAttributes=0 ;IncludeTerminalAliases=1 ;FixedUsername= ;FixedPassword=N/A UseDialedNumber=0 Can anyone please help !!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Abhijit
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