hello list,
I have gnugk.ini with this layout
I didn't have a problem when the list was small. Now I had to add
more than 2-3 neighbors (about 20) and as I checked the logs the
gnugk can't parse the list correctly. It spits errors about
Neighbor.cxx (699) NB Can't get profile for neighbor GK-7
Neighbor.cxx (159) NB Delete neighbor GK-7
Neighbor.cxx (699) NB Can't get profile for neighbor GK-8
Neighbor.cxx (159) NB Delete neighbor GK-8
although some of the list are read correctly with appripriate send/
accept prefixes.
Any clues what might cause this?
I tried all versions from 2.2.0 to 2.2.3-2 as I got them from the
sourceforge site and compiled against pwlib-1.9.2 and openh323-1.17.3.
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