Hello U got the point right. Thanx for all the details. But how can U routea call from one network to another? e.g. i got an endpoint epA @ (192.168.1.xxx and 192.168.2.xxx) as it isworking on 2 networks and is going to get registered with gatekeeper.Now gatekeeper is working on both the networks 2 (192.168.1.xxx and192.168.2.xxx). Now whenever the RRQ from epA will come , the epA willregister with only one IP. lets say epA is registered with192.168.1.xxx to gatekeeper. So, if some one (registered with gk on192.168.2.xxx) from the other network (192.168.2.xxx) wants to callepA, they wont be able to do this due to no-routing (right!!). So, howcome i can tell the gk that if u got call to epA on the other network(192.168.2.xxx) then route this call to (192.168.1.xxx) ?. or say use192.168.2.xxx for the epA in this scenario. Bye On 5/29/05, Nyamul Hassaan <nyamul@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Ok. I think it's time to put things into numbers.> > Say, epA is on 192.168.1.xxx (ethA0) & 192.168.2.xxx (ethA1) networks at the> same time (multihomed).> So, epA will register through ethA0 if the gatekeeper address is on the same> network as ehtA0 that is 192.168.1.xxx network.> Now, you cannot have the same epA software to register to two different> gatekeepers at the same time. You'll need two different ep software. Say,> epA0 and epA1, each working on different voice ports (eg. 1720, 1721).> > Now, say gk0 is on 192.168.1.xxx and gk1 is on 192.168.2.xxx. We then have> two h323 clients epA0 and epA1 on the same machine but registered to> different Gatekeepers, on different networks.> > Now, say, epB is on 192.168.2.xxx, so naturally epB will register to gk1,> the gatekeeper on that network. Then, epB will be able to call epA1 as epA1> is registered to gk1.> > Now, if you want epB to call epA0, then you'll need to configure gk1 to> route calls to gk0 as a neighbor, for which there's ample info in the dox.> Mind you, there must be a valid networking routing for gk1 to talk to gk0.> > Did I get your scenario right? Or is it something else that you had in> mind?> > Regards> HASSAAN> > > > On 5/28/05, Kamran Bukhari <kamranbukhari@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> > Hello> > > > Thanx Hassan. But is there any way that i can map the two ip addresses> > to single endpoint. e.g. Suppose Enpoint A is having 2 network Cards> > each on different networks. So if Endpoint A calls gatekeeper , then > > it will get register with one of the 2 IPs. Now if Endpoint B wants to> > call Endpoint A on the IP which is not registered in Gatekeeper but> > still that IP is bind to end point which is registered to gatekeeper> > on different network.So is there any way that Gatekeeper route that> > call to that IP and keeps the communication ON.> > > > Bye> > > > On 5/27/05, Nyamul Hassaan <nyamul@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:> > > Dear Kamran,> > >> > > I assume you have two network cards on two different networks. You just> > > specify the IP address of the Gatekeepr, and that endpoint will register> > > through the desired network card. However, to run two instances of an > > > Endpoint from the same computer would require to run one of them on a> > > different port than 1720.> > >> > > Regards> > > HASSAAN> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > On 5/27/05, Kamran Bukhari < kamranbukhari@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> > > >> > > > Hello> > > >> > > > I want to bind the single endpoint with 2 NIC (Network Card), and each> > > > card using different network. How can i register this endpoint with > > > > two different network interfaces?> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > Bye> > > >> > > > --> > > > Kamran Bukhari> > > >> > > >> > > >> ------------------------------------------------------- > > > > This SF.Net email is sponsored by Yahoo.> > > > Introducing Yahoo! Search Developer Network - Create apps using Yahoo!> > > > Search APIs Find out how you can build Yahoo! directly into your own > > > > Applications - visit> > > http://developer.yahoo.net/?froffad-ysdn-ostg-q22005> > > >> _______________________________________________________ > > > >> > > > Posting:> mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > > Archive:> > > http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id> …49> > > > Unsubscribe:> > >> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users> > > > Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/> > > >> > > >> > >> > >> > > > > > --> > Kamran Bukhari> > > > -- Kamran BukhariÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÓ†+ó^µéšŠX¬²š'²ŠÞu¼˜j(ü‰í®‡nr)àa¨h£ôžj·! ëÞ–Š^¬×Šäü*Þjך¦›.²)àa¨h£ôžj·!ò,)Ý¢ëa£¨¹Æ§nè¥u†¡¢?ÝŠ·œ¶\¢žÚ2¢êèÂp)¦XœjبžÏïŠÈ†ÛiÿÿÝz÷¥¢—«ÿ&¡¢?çzßÿ~}ö?ÿ+Ÿú,¶êÛm4çÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ>‹-Šxÿ™¨¥¶?Î¥éáßmà“û¬z»ÿ–+-³û(º·~Šà{ù޴܆+Þþm§ÿÿ²‹«qçè®ÿ?뙨¥j·!Š÷¿~Šî›úa§÷è®éÿ‰ç?TžË›±Êâmïá¶Úÿÿùb²Ûÿ²‹«qçè®ÿ?ë–+-³ùb²Ø§~?è¥éáßmà“û¬z»¢g©jÿ†ÛiÿÿðÃàžè$þŠà