I am using gnugk as a proxy on my NAT router and that works fine...
It is ok to call a registered ep of my private network from the outside and even
from a not registered point by using h323:myAlias@gatekeeper_ip
I would like to redirect calls sent directly to the gatekeeper to a registered ep:
ie: calls to gatekeeper_ip resolve in defaultAlias@gatekeeper_ip
Ok I don't know how to do this in GNUGK however there is a simple way without having to configure GNUGK, it's called ENUM (RFC3762) service and it's free (www.e164.org) but you will need to register and have a supportive EP (eg. any OpenH323 (such as ohphone) based product built in the last year should use it by default if no gatekeeper set).
Basically you use your normal IDD phone number in the h323 schema which is sent to a DNS server which then resolved it into defaultAlias@gatekeeper_ip and returns it so a call is placed.
So for instance say your real E164 IDD number is +4401234567 if you use h323:4401234567 it is sent to the ENUM DNS Server e164.org and it returns h323:myAlias@gatekeeper_ip and places the call automatically to the NAT defaultAlias EP. You don't even have to have a static ip address for GNUGK. You can use one of the free Dynamic DNS services such as www.no-ip.com and set the ENUM record to h323:myAlias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We use it with our just released Free Virteos Meeting (updated MS NetMeeting Web Client) and it works great. :-)
I'm currently putting together a patch for GNUGK to support ENUM dialing for registered Endpoints. Hopefully it will be in the next release.
Just an option.
Simon Horne
ISVO (Asia) Pte Ltd
developer of the
Virteos Meeting & H323COMtools
Windows plug-in's based on the OpenH323 Stack