Thanks for your help
On 4/25/05, Michael Ditum <mrskensington@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
do you mean to do the following?
it doesn't seem to work though... tphoneVoIP isn't a gateway and I
assume that can only work with gateways... I really need something
that can do the same but with endpoints...
thanks for your help
On 4/21/05, Zygmuntowicz Michal <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Try to perform rewrite in [RasSrv::GWRewrite] instead.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Ditum" <mrskensington@xxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:14 PM
> We are replacing an existing system with an openh323 solution, in this
> system all calls beginning with 76 need to be redirect to an endpoint
> named tphoneVoIP with the 76 stripped off.
> I initially tryed to use RewriteE164 like this...
> [RasSrv::RewriteE164]
> 76=tphoneVoIP
> this redirected all the calls but the endpoint was no longer receiving
> the dialed digits.
> I then remove the 76 using RewriteE164 like...
> [RasSrv::RewriteE164]
> 76=
> and then set tphoneVoIP to have extra aliases e.g. 959 so calls to
> 76959 got answered by the endpoint. This works fine apart from the
> fact that I've just discovered that any call beginning with 76 should
> be answered by tphoneVoIP which counts out the alias route...
> Is there any way of redirecting calls depending on their dialled
> digits rather than rewriting them?
> Thanks for your help
> Michael Ditum
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