Re: Gnugk 2.2.1 and Interconnection

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Hi, thanks for the Help, J'm now under 2.0.9 and already connect on national GK in proxy mode.

J try to call an international or national number and it work fine.
But when someone try to call me (The gatekeeper does not respond) for the twice calls.

Could you kown where it come from ?



My gnugk 2.2.1 run under debian 2.4.26 in proxy mode, and registered to a national gnugk to annonce several prefixes.

Here's the conf  (very classic):

;  National GK

GK1 is the primary GK2 is the secondary

When 2 people are registered on my Gnugk, no problem to make a call between us.
But when j'm registered on my GK and a other people on a gk (registered to the same national gnugk) in a other place, the call fail.

In the log j see that my gk connect normally to the national gk and probably find the final user on his computer.

Send LRQ to *IpnationalGK:1719*
Read from *Ipcomputertojoin:1719
**Unknown reply LCF

*1- What mean Unknown reply LCF ?*
*2- Some people told me that the 2.2.1 version don't work very well with interconnection and advise me to go back to the 2.0.9 version.
Someone have already heard a bug report on V2.2.1 or it works, how to make it working ?

Thanks for your future help


Mathieu Molinéris
Ciscam - Pôle Réseau
Université de la Méditerranée (Aix-Marseille II,FRANCE)

-- Mathieu Molinéris Ciscam - Pôle Réseau Université de la Méditerranée (Aix-Marseille II,FRANCE)

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