2.2.1 status port

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hi all.
ive compiled 2.2.1 from last nites CVS and have it running on my test machine. 
i wil make some comments about the compile but first i have a quick question. 
has the ruleset changed to allow access from telnet to status port. i used 
existing config but it denies me access. i read the docs (2.2.1) and did not 
see any change.  the rule is as follows. 


now i will make some comments regarding the compile.
my environ is debian 2.4.22 testing release (bit old but only runs GK and has 
been stable so far) building optnoshared versions.
pwlib and openh323 is from CVS

i experienced problems as mentioned from several posts regarding compile 
errors (mostly do to LD linker) and when compiled i also had seqmentation 
faults. some things i learned were as follows.
for pwlib (make first) and openh323 always make clean, make optdepend and run 
configure and i also make both optnoshared. if there are complaints during 
these compiles, gnugk will also not compile correctly.

compile on the target machine. a build i made on one machine produced a seq 
fault on another.

take things out you dont use, like --disable-pqsql if your not using postgress 
for example. building things you dont use makes the executable larger and 
relies on more libs.

its mostly better to compile the kernel with the same libs on the machine. its 
very common to update GCC and libs but not compile a new kernel. in this case 
i found is some cases caused probs. re-compiling a kernel with the existing 
libs and compilers was mostly safer for me.

otherwise im ready to test 2.2.1 and then put in production on a GK doing 
production calls to stress test it.

thanks as always and regards

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