here is what worked out for me:
1) pwlib 1.8.3 2) openh323 1.15.2
you will need gmake and bison, they can be installed from ports collection. make sure your gcc is version 3.3 at least (which is default for 5.3)
first set environment:
setenv PWLIBDIR /home/pwlib
setenv OPENH323DIR /home/openh323
setenv OPENH323GKDIR /home/openh323gk
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/pwlib/lib:/home/openh323/lib:/home/openh323gk/lib
1. pwlib installation: cd pwlib ./configure gmake optnoshared
2. openh323 installation: cd openh323 ./configure gmake optnoshared
now there is the trick - during compile it will error complaining about malloc.h - it is replaced by stdlib.h in FreeBSD 5.3 . Just edit the file it is complaining, find line with malloc.h and replace it with stdlib.h and continue with gmake. It will happen 5 or 6 times, but if you edit them, it wil finally compile with any problem.
3. gnugk:
cd openh323
if you have mysql/pgsql installed, you can enable mysql and/or postgres support. to disable both of them:
./configure --with-mysql=no --with-pgsql=no gmake optnoshared
that should be all.
Hopefully next release of openh323 will have fixed malloc.h include bug.
regards, Aivis
DESETech - German P. Santillan wrote:
Hello and thanks in advance Somebody has a manual, how to, text file or other docuemnt explain step-by-step how to compile and install PWLib, OPenH323 & GNUGK in a FreeBSD 5.3 Box without problems???
German P. Santillan Network Administrator DESETech
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