I'm not sure I understand your question. If AcceptUnregisteredCalls is 0 on the parent GK, then the child must register before it can make or receive calls (unless it is listed as a permanent endpoint). But that is already in your configuration, so I don't know why you can call without RRQ. You should be seeing a "caller not registered" error.
There are many authentication and authorization methods that you can use to restrict calling.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Raschel" <raschel@xxxxxx> To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:14 AM Subject: child gk prefix and RRQ
i ´ve just setup a child gk and can easy circumvent the authorisation mechanism of the parent gk by setting up a number as i like e.g. 0815 (endpoint) and set a prefix to this number. So it´s easy to register this number without authorisation and place or receive a call. For unattendend proxy server this is not a glorious. To prevent the child gk setting up a prefix i guess there is a option at the gatekeeper.ini but i found nothing to force the child gk sending the RRQ to the parent gk (except i make a setup at the child gk, which is easy to circumvent)
any idea? please help.
big thx TOM
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