This is a complex issue, because GnomeMeeting has NAT traversal logic, your NAT may "know" about H.323, and gnugk has its own NAT logic. These can all interact in bad ways.
If you will have only two or three endpoints behind the same NAT, you should be able to configure them to use different ports for Listening Port and RTP Port Range. Then, with those ports forwarded in the NAT to the respective endpoints, NAT logic turned off in GnomeMeeting, no H.323 interpretation in the NAT, and H.245 tunneling and Fast Start enabled, it should work. If you need many endpoints behind the same NAT, this is hard to administer and you instead may want to have a child gatekeeper on the LAN.
Alternatively, if GnomeMeeting and/or your NAT can make the endpoints appear to gnugk as if they were on public IPs, that should also work. Use Ethereal on the GK machine to find out why it doesn't. In your present configuration, the GK would have to proxy the RTP, even when both parties are on the same LAN. Depending on your NAT, it may or may not work if you set [Proxy] Enable=0. It may help to list your endpoints in [NATedEndpoints].
If you see a private address in the RCF console message, then gnugk knows that the endpoint is behind a NAT, and it should work if the correct ports are forwarded and the NAT doesn't alter any H.323 packets. If you see only the public address, then gnugk thinks the endpoint is on a public IP, and GnomeMeeting and the NAT had better emulate that properly.
It may be useful to debug with simpler cases. Set up D, an endpoint on a public IP. See if you can call from B to D. When you get that working, try calling from D to B.
Good luck,
----- Original Message ----- From: <jamesxuruo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:43 AM
Subject: problems with no audio of gnomemeeting
Dear all: I have such problems: A: gnugk 2.2.0, Debian/Linux B: gnomemeeting 1.0.2 Debian/Linux C: gnomemeeting 1.0.2 Debian/Linux
when A, B, C are in the same LAN, B can make calls to C through A sucessfully. But when A is in internet, B and C in the same LAN, C can receive B's call, but there is no audio at all. any ideas? this is the config file of gatekeeper.ini: and i run my gk with command : gnugk -r/ gnugk -rr/, both tried. the same result, no audio ;-(. [Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Name=OpenH323GK ;EndpointSignalPort=1000 ;NetworkInterfaces=,
[RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 ;CallSignalPort=0 ;H245PortRange=30000-30010 ;Q931PortRange=30011-30020
[RasSrv::ARQFeatures] CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1
[Proxy] Enable=1 ;RTPPortRange=5000-5010 InternalNetwork= ProxyForNAT=1
[GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow
[Gatekeeper::Auth] default=allow
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