For gateway prefixes, you need to use the latest version from the cvs. It supports more flexible syntax (like '..2' or '1234....').
For prefix rewrite, wildcards are not supported yet (but they will be soon).
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Chiu" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 4:06 PM
I am new on gnugk product. I have some qeuestion on configuration. I understand that we can configure the particular GW to accept particular prefix :
But can we have some ways to relace the regular expression. e.g. I want to gw to accept the all the prefix with pattern xx2 . x can be any valid number between 0-9. Is it possible ? Or how to do it ?
Also, I want to use the same theory on the GWRewriteE164 session. e.g. gw1=out=xx4=xx5. I will rewrite the all the call prefix with xx4 become xx5. So far, I can't find the similar example on the manual.
Thanks. regards, Michael
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