Re: Running Sjphone on NAT

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Hi Hubert,

You have a complex situation, because sjphone
is trying to traverse NAT, and your ICS (if that's
the one also forwarding to your Indy FAX server) has
the Telephony Service enabled, which also tries to do
NAT traversal.

Your GK (if that's the one on x.x.x.12) is listening
on port 1721, which may be confusing Telephony.
Try setting CallSignalPort=1720 .

GnuGK will work fine (doing its own NAT traversal)
if the endpoint and NAT do not alter the contents
of any H.323 packets.  Or, it will work fine if
your endpoint / NAT combination appear to the GK
as a non-NAT endpoint.

You can run Ethereal on both PC1 and the GK to
see whether and how the NAT is altering packets.

If the console RCF message shows both the private
and public addresses of PC1, then GK will assume
that PC1 is behind a NAT and act accordingly.
In this mode, the NAT must not alter any packets,
and the endpoint must use its private address.
If your application permits, you could try disabling
Telephony.  Sorry, I don't know how, if you just
turn it off, ICS will also be stopped because it
is 'dependent' on Telephony.  Or, you could use
nonstandard RAS and signaling ports to fool it.
You may also need to manually forward media ports.
Or, perhaps you could try a Linksys or other dumb
router (on a different public IP) instead of ICS.

If the RCF message shows only the public address,
check that packets received at the GK are consistent
with what a non-NAT endpoint would send, and that
packets received at PC1 have been properly translated.
In this case, the NAT should forward the media
streams automatically.

Good luck,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex faizoun" <afaizoun@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 3:13 PM
Subject:  Running Sjphone on NAT

> Hi All
> I am new to this list and would first like to thank
> all of you for the great work you have achieved so
> far.
> I am trying to use gnugk in the following
> configuration
> Sjphone (from on PC1 (
> connected to a NAT BOX (Windows ICS) with private IP
> and public IP
> The phone endpoint is registered to a gk box with
> public IP and calling an IP phone with public IP
> When I call from Sjphone to the Ip phone, I get ring,
> call connect but I can't get any voice on any party.
> When I look at log and also ports opened on PC1, I
> find that the GK is sending all messages to the NAT
> public IP
> When I remove the GK and call in IP to IP mode, it
> work fine and I find that the softphone connect using
> the NAT box private IP address for voice traffic.
> Since gnugk use NAT box public IP, how can I make
> sjphone work if it require the NAT private IP (sjphone
> uses STUN )
> Can anyone help
> Thanks 
> Hubert

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