dear list,
Iam not sure if it is right to post here, but i
have not other
choice rather than getting help from voip experts
in this list.
problem : i have weltech Ipphone registered with
registration OK and when i make call i get ARJ from
though Numbering plan and routing is
it is able to find the destination IP
But with no reason GK sends ARJ and call is not
captured from weltech ipphone:
usr/config$ support -print
Special Voice function support manipulation FastStart support Enabled. Tunnelled H.245 support Enabled. H.245 message after FastStart support Enabled. usr/config$ debug -h323 h323vp
DEBUG: Bad command -h323 usr/config$ debug -add h323 h323vp
usr/config$ debug -open
usr/config$ call_back_from_VP 60 0
call_back_from_VP 60 0 call_back_from_VP 60 0 call_back_from_VP 41 0 Offhook or Handfree on call_back_from_VP 60 0 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 0 >>> DTMF collected: 0 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 0 >>> DTMF collected: 00 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 9 >>> DTMF collected: 009 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 7 >>> DTMF collected: 0097 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 2 >>> DTMF collected: 00972 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 3 >>> DTMF collected: 009723 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 9 >>> DTMF collected: 0097239 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 2 >>> DTMF collected: 00972392 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 5 >>> DTMF collected: 009723925 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 5 >>> DTMF collected: 0097239255 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 0 >>> DTMF collected: 00972392550 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 5 >>> DTMF collected: 009723925505 call_back_from_VP 13 0 <<< 0 >>> DTMF collected: 0097239255050 call_back_from_VP 62 0 WD callback to proceed_dial Enter Dialling(strDes=0097239255050, strOri=1001) 0-cmCallNew() success hsCall=6ee054 *-*-*-*-*-* Enter SSE section *-*-*-*-*-* SSE section completed! Set Tunnelling TRUE. PSTN number 101 used cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get thiscall 0 from FindIPCall() cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get vpChan 0 from FindPSTNCall() findRelReason(stateMode=0,mycall=0,buf=mision) 0-cmEvCallStateChanged()-Disconnected,Reason=5 cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get thiscall 0 from FindIPCall() cmEvCallStateChanged()-Get vpChan 0 from FindPSTNCall() 0-cmEvCallStateChanged()-Idle. findRelReason(stateMode=75B310,mycall=9030,buf=(null)) call_back_from_VP 43 0 HandSet onhooked call_back_from_VP 60 0 GK log:
2044 22/11/04 16:11:18
&CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 |
haCall = 122c4cc | state = Bandwidth Change | reason = BW in ARQ
2045 22/11/04 16:11:18 ----> Reply : NotRequired ******************* 2046 22/11/04 16:11:18 return from calleventahandler--> hCall = 3d0000 2047 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 < >| Sending address resolution request to the application 2048 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 < >| changed from CAL_NO_CALL to CAL_ADDRESS_RESOLUTION(Address resolution request was sent to application after ARQ) 2049 22/11/04 16:11:18 &CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 | haCall = 122c4cc | state = Address Resolution | reason = New Admission from Origin 2050 22/11/04 16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlanCLI 2051 22/11/04 16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlan 2052 22/11/04 16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlan: NP ok. Result <914181223001> Type=5 2053 22/11/04 16:11:18 callPerformNumberingPlan: Reject! Failed to Reset according to NumberingPlan (DNIS 914181223001) to 914181223001 2054 22/11/04 16:11:18 Reply -> hCall 3d0000, reply Reject, reason Reply Reason Undefined 2055 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE d: d:91418122>| Disconnecting call or rejecting admission because of application rejection 2056 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE d: d:91418122>| Sending notification to the application before disconnecting 2057 22/11/04 16:11:18 &CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 | haCall = 122c4cc | state = GK Disconnected Call | reason = Undefined 2058 22/11/04 16:11:18 Reply -> hCall 3d0000, reply Confirm Disconnect EP, reason Reply Reason Undefined 2059 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE d: d:91418122>| calAppReplyConfirm: Confirmation recieved for continue call endpoint disconnect 2060 22/11/04 16:11:18 return from calleventahandler--> hCall = 3d0000 2061 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE d: d:91418122>| Sending admission reject notification to the application 2062 22/11/04 16:11:18 &CALLmsg&&&& CallmsgEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 | haCall = 122c4cc | msg = gkcciMsgSendARJ | Side = Orig 2063 22/11/04 16:11:18 SetArjAnswer 2064 22/11/04 16:11:18 &CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 | haCall = 122c4cc | state = Orig Admission Reject | reason = Undefined 2065 22/11/04 16:11:18 ----> Reply : NotRequired ******************* 2066 22/11/04 16:11:18 return from calleventahandler--> hCall = 3d0000 2067 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 <r:4 terminal ras: cs: ph:1001 >| setting reply address to 2068 22/11/04 16:11:18 16:11:18 <c:0 s: s:IP-PHONE d: d:91418122>| ARJ (reason = Undefined) 2069 22/11/04 16:11:18 &CALL&&&&&&& CallEventHandler: hCall = 3d0000 | haCall = 122c4cc | state = ARJ Sent | reason = Undefined 2070 22/11/04 16:11:18 ----> Reply : NotRequired ******************* Pls list can u help me to identify the problem. Also what is the function
of can map Alias parameter?
is this becos of version problem H323v2 and H323v4 ?
karthi |