RE: How to debug

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> Here is what it printed:
> 2004/11/23 21:06:07.841	4	      osutil.cxx(319)
> PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 35 CallSignalSocket
> 2004/11/23 21:06:07.842	3	ProxyChannel.cxx(2050)	Q931
> Nothing more between sending packet and error ..

Sorry that I don't know any details, but I think it should not
be hard to at least find the immediate cause of failure.

If it was working correctly, a call to Connect would open a
TCP connection to port 32769.  It seems that
there are three possibilities:

1. Connect was never called, e.g. because a lookup of
   NetworkInterfaces returned an error, or a rewrite of
   Setup data returned an error.

2. Connect was called, but with bad socket parameters or
   arguments, e.g. addressing the loopback interface.

3. Connect was properly called, but a problem in the OS
   network configuration prevented the SYN from being sent.

If (2) or (3), the OS may have put useful info in errno.

I would search for reference to the DIDN'T ACCEPT message,
look back from there, and add some tracing statements to
record what is happening.  Of course, use your simple test
case, without the parent GK.

Good luck,


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