when it is running. The best check would be if you print removedList size each time and see whether it grows to infinity.
PS: I don't know what your patch shows - it is normal to have used calls in removedList - their reference count drops each time some assciated object (like signaling socket) is deleted and finally should reach 0.
----- Original Message ----- From: <ii7@xxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:32 PM
Latest GnuGK 2.0x have stable memory leak at fixed place.
After call completed gnugk generate CDR and move current call (CallRec) into RemovedList.
CheckCalls() function called each second and check list of calls inside RemovedList. It must do final delete of CallRec objects in this list that not marked as used.
Problem that calls are marked as "used" forever and as result calls stay undeleted inside RemovedList. This fact is source point of memory leak described in this mail.
Patch that show this problem attached.
Can anybody comment how to solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance
Igor Ivanov
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