GnuGK as child GK behind NAT

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I want to ask you to help me resolve configuration problem with my application.

I’m thinking about using GnuGK in my company to serve company calls.

But there is a problem that I was unable to solve even when I read manual couple of times and searched the net for solution.

The company is using external ISP for VoIP calls and I need to link somehow GK (GnuGK) in the company with external one.

So I used option of GK to act as endpoint [Endpoint] Section. This works well I’m able to authorize with parent GK or even place calls (I can’t imagine why this is possible) but company is using NAT box ( I hate this :) and this is causing the GK to send local IP address in RRQ and not the public one.

This behavior is making trouble later. I tried to set config NetworkInterfaces to the local network + IP of NAT box, this doesn’t work. The GK again used local IP in RRQ, so I tried to use only IP of NAT box, this forced GK to use IP of NAT box in RRQ but prevented endpoints in the local network to work correctly because of use external IP in all control traffic even local.

When I searched the net I found many articles about supporting NATed endpoints, but nothing about NATed child GK (GnuGK) support.


The picture of topology used is in attachments also the configuration file used, output of GnuGK process and capture file by Ethereal.


Attachment: topology.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: gatekeeper.ini
Description: Binary data

debko:/var/www# gnugk --config /etc/gatekeeper.ini -tt
2004/11/10 00:23:40.000 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: Toolkit(1)
2004/11/10 00:23:40.144 2            Toolkit.cxx(83)    Network=, IP=
2004/11/10 00:23:40.172 2            Toolkit.cxx(83)    Network=, IP=
2004/11/10 00:23:40.216 2            Toolkit.cxx(83)    Network=, IP=
2004/11/10 00:23:40.235 2            Toolkit.cxx(84)    Default IP=
2004/11/10 00:23:40.250 2            Toolkit.cxx(156)   GK      H.323 Proxy enabled
2004/11/10 00:23:40.259 2            Toolkit.cxx(169)   GK      Internal Network 0 =
2004/11/10 00:23:40.264 2            Toolkit.cxx(399)   GK      Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2004/11/10 00:23:40.268 2            Toolkit.cxx(402)   GK      No per GW data loaded
OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'OpenH323GK' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.0) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=1,pgsql=0,large_fdset=0) Build(Nov  4 2004, 20:49:09) Sys(Linux i686 2.2.20-idepci)

2004/11/10 00:23:40.275 1                 gk.cxx(470)   OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'OpenH323GK' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.0) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=1,pgsql=0,large_fdset=0) Build(Nov  4 2004, 20:49:09) Sys(Linux i686 2.2.20-idepci)

Listen on,

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

2004/11/10 00:23:40.288 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: CallTable(2)

Disable Bandwidth Management
2004/11/10 00:23:40.292 2                 gk.cxx(508)   GK      TimeToLive for Registrations: 300
2004/11/10 00:23:40.296 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: RasServer(3)
2004/11/10 00:23:40.333 2       ProxyChannel.cxx(77)    RTPPortRange: 10000-59999
2004/11/10 00:23:40.338 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: Agent(4)
2004/11/10 00:23:40.342 2             RasSrv.cxx(683)   GK      Using Routed Signalling
2004/11/10 00:23:40.346 2             RasSrv.cxx(684)   GK      H.245 Routed Disabled
2004/11/10 00:23:40.350 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: GkStatus(5)
2004/11/10 00:23:40.356 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: RegistrationTable(6)
2004/11/10 00:23:40.364 2             RasSrv.cxx(720)   GK      Home =,
2004/11/10 00:23:40.369 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.375 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.382 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.387 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.393 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.397 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.402 1             RasSrv.cxx(471)   Listening to
2004/11/10 00:23:40.407 1             RasSrv.cxx(779)   RAS     Add broadcast listener
2004/11/10 00:23:40.810 1             gkauth.cxx(327)   GKAUTH  default rule added to check RAS: ARQ BRQ DRQ GRQ IRQ LRQ RRQ URQ, OTHER: SETUP SETUPUNREG
2004/11/10 00:23:40.831 1             gkacct.cxx(181)   GKACCT  Created module SQLAcct with event mask 7
2004/11/10 00:23:40.849 2            Routing.cxx(472)   VQueue  (CTI) Virtual queues enabled (aliases:CC), request timeout: 10 s
2004/11/10 00:23:40.855 2          singleton.cxx(28)    Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(7)
2004/11/10 00:23:40.862 1            Routing.cxx(147)   RoutingPolicy::OnARQ add policy internal,parent for prefix *
2004/11/10 00:23:40.891 1            Routing.cxx(147)   RoutingPolicy::OnLRQ add policy internal,parent for prefix *
2004/11/10 00:23:40.907 1            Routing.cxx(147)   RoutingPolicy::OnSetup add policy internal,parent for prefix *
2004/11/10 00:23:40.919 1            Routing.cxx(147)   RoutingPolicy::OnFacility add policy internal,parent for prefix *
2004/11/10 00:23:40.925 2             gkacct.cxx(936)   GKACCT  Successfully logged event 8
2004/11/10 00:23:40.966 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:23:41.072 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received RRQ
2004/11/10 00:23:41.115 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     RRQ Received
2004/11/10 00:23:41.153 1             RasTbl.cxx(64)    New EP||201:dialedDigits|terminal|6265_endp
2004/11/10 00:23:41.222 2             RasSrv.cxx(357)   RCF||201:dialedDigits|terminal|6265_endp;
2004/11/10 00:23:41.227 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send RCF to
2004/11/10 00:23:42.081 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send RRQ to
2004/11/10 00:23:42.132 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:23:42.141 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received RCF
2004/11/10 00:23:42.144 2             RasSrv.cxx(1222)  RAS     Trapped RCF
2004/11/10 00:23:42.149 2           GkClient.cxx(840)   GKC     Register with successfully
2004/11/10 00:24:04.671 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:04.675 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received GRQ
2004/11/10 00:24:04.676 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     GRQ Received
2004/11/10 00:24:04.679 2             RasSrv.cxx(357)   GCF||100:dialedDigits|terminal;
2004/11/10 00:24:04.681 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send GCF to
2004/11/10 00:24:04.734 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:04.747 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received RRQ
2004/11/10 00:24:04.748 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     RRQ Received
2004/11/10 00:24:04.754 1             RasTbl.cxx(64)    New EP||100:dialedDigits|terminal|6266_endp
2004/11/10 00:24:04.764 2             RasSrv.cxx(357)   RCF||100:dialedDigits|terminal|6266_endp;
2004/11/10 00:24:04.771 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send RCF to
2004/11/10 00:24:05.077 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:05.083 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received ARQ
2004/11/10 00:24:05.085 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     ARQ Received
2004/11/10 00:24:05.100 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send ARQ to
2004/11/10 00:24:05.142 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:05.159 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received ACF
2004/11/10 00:24:05.171 2             RasSrv.cxx(1222)  RAS     Trapped ACF
2004/11/10 00:24:05.180 2             RasTbl.cxx(1855)  CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2004/11/10 00:24:05.183 2             RasSrv.cxx(357)   ACF||6266_endp|23629|0904525784:dialedDigits|100:dialedDigits|false;
2004/11/10 00:24:05.185 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send ACF to
2004/11/10 00:24:06.352 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:06.361 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received IRR
2004/11/10 00:24:06.363 2             gkacct.cxx(936)   GKACCT  Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2004/11/10 00:24:06.731 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     IRR Received
2004/11/10 00:24:16.987 2             RasTbl.cxx(2026)  CDR     ignore not connected call
2004/11/10 00:24:17.005 2             gkacct.cxx(936)   GKACCT  Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2004/11/10 00:24:17.027 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send DRQ to
2004/11/10 00:24:17.079 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:17.083 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received DCF
2004/11/10 00:24:17.083 2             RasSrv.cxx(1222)  RAS     Trapped DCF
2004/11/10 00:24:17.132 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:17.135 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received DRQ
2004/11/10 00:24:17.137 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     DRQ Received
2004/11/10 00:24:17.148 2             RasSrv.cxx(357)   DCF||6266_endp|23629|normalDrop;
2004/11/10 00:24:17.158 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send DCF to
2004/11/10 00:24:40.366 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:24:40.370 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received RRQ
2004/11/10 00:24:40.372 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     RRQ Received
2004/11/10 00:24:40.376 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send RCF to
2004/11/10 00:25:10.032 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send RRQ to
2004/11/10 00:25:10.076 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:25:10.081 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received RRJ
2004/11/10 00:25:10.082 2             RasSrv.cxx(1222)  RAS     Trapped RRJ
2004/11/10 00:25:10.087 1           GkClient.cxx(871)   GKC     Registration Rejected: fullRegistrationRequired
2004/11/10 00:25:10.099 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send URQ to
2004/11/10 00:25:10.112 2            Toolkit.cxx(83)    Network=, IP=
2004/11/10 00:25:10.151 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:25:10.157 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received URJ
2004/11/10 00:25:10.158 1             RasSrv.cxx(312)   RAS     URJ Received
2004/11/10 00:25:10.160 2            Toolkit.cxx(83)    Network=, IP=
2004/11/10 00:25:10.171 2            Toolkit.cxx(83)    Network=, IP=
2004/11/10 00:25:10.172 2            Toolkit.cxx(84)    Default IP=
2004/11/10 00:25:16.242 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send RRQ to
2004/11/10 00:25:16.308 2             RasSrv.cxx(152)   RAS     Read from
2004/11/10 00:25:16.313 2             RasSrv.cxx(193)   RAS     Received RCF
2004/11/10 00:25:16.313 2             RasSrv.cxx(1222)  RAS     Trapped RCF
2004/11/10 00:25:16.314 2           GkClient.cxx(840)   GKC     Register with successfully
2004/11/10 00:25:19.102 1                 gk.cxx(259)   GK      Received signal 2
2004/11/10 00:25:19.104 1             RasSrv.cxx(648)   GK      Stopping RasServer...
2004/11/10 00:25:19.318 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send URQ to
2004/11/10 00:25:19.328 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send URQ to
2004/11/10 00:25:19.335 2             RasSrv.cxx(205)   RAS     Send URQ to
2004/11/10 00:25:19.370 2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: Routing::Analyzer(6 objects left)
2004/11/10 00:25:19.371 1             RasSrv.cxx(1095)  GK      RasServer stopped
2004/11/10 00:25:19.372 2             gkacct.cxx(936)   GKACCT  Successfully logged event 16

Shutting down gatekeeper . . . 2004/11/10 00:25:19.376  2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: GkStatus(5 objects left)
2004/11/10 00:25:19.378 2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: Agent(4 objects left)
2004/11/10 00:25:19.382 2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: CallTable(3 objects left)
2004/11/10 00:25:19.385 2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: RegistrationTable(2 objects left)
2004/11/10 00:25:19.386 1             gkauth.cxx(334)   GKAUTH  default rule removed
2004/11/10 00:25:19.388 1             gkacct.cxx(186)   GKACCT  Destroyed module SQLAcct
2004/11/10 00:25:19.389 1           GkClient.cxx(319)   GKC     Delete GkClient
2004/11/10 00:25:19.390 1             RasSrv.cxx(178)   RAS     Delete listener
2004/11/10 00:25:19.391 1             RasSrv.cxx(178)   RAS     Delete listener
2004/11/10 00:25:19.392 1             RasSrv.cxx(178)   RAS     Delete listener
2004/11/10 00:25:19.393 1             RasSrv.cxx(178)   RAS     Delete listener
2004/11/10 00:25:19.393 2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: RasServer(1 objects left)
2004/11/10 00:25:19.394 2          singleton.cxx(37)    Delete instance: Toolkit(0 objects left)

Attachment: capture
Description: Binary data

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