Hi Ken,
A quick question - for GNUGK to work in NAT Proxy mode must it (the GNUGK
machine) have a Public IP address or can GNUGK run on a machine that is in
the DMZ behind a NAT router?
This is beyond my expertise to answer. I have never tried such a setup. However, the documentation for the NetworkInterfaces parameter at http://www.gnugk.org/gnugk-manual-4.html#ss4.2 implies that it should work.
Do the packets in the H323 protocol set include the local IP address of the EP - in which case, is it right that simple NAT is not sufficient for H323 to work.
They sure do, which means that the GK would need to know the public IP of the NAT that it is behind, so it can supply the correct address. And it's not obvious to me how you can specify that in the config.
And can it (GNUGK) communicate to a remote endpoint behind another NAT or is another GNUGK needed to support that EP?
That part is no problem (assuming that you have only one EP behind each remote NAT or you can set up different call signal ports for each EP).
My config has GNUGK on a machine that is in the DMZ behind a NAT router and there are several EP's on the LAN there. There is remote EP behind another NAT. All EP's seem to be able to register and GNUGK "see's" the call setup requests from them but the call's to/from the remote EP never arrives at the destination EP. I have tested this with all IP ports forwarded to the remote EP. Calls within the LAN with the GNUGK work fine.
If the GK supplies its private IP as the call signal address, the remote endpoint won't be able to contact it.
Most users solve this by having two network interfaces on the GK, one on the LAN and one with a public IP. If you have only one public address, the GK machine can also serve as your NAT.
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