1. 2.0.9 from CVs. Its not unregister
from parent GK, when close GK.
2. Urgent latest from CVs Head 2.2
beta version.Version:
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2beta5) Ext(pthreads=0,radius=1,mysql=0,pgsql=0,large_ fdset=0) Build(Jul 11 2004, 12:33:31) Sys(Server 2003 i586 v5.2.3790) GkStatus: Version(2.0) Ext() Toolkit: Version(1.0) Ext(basic) Startup: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 01:39:33 -0700 Running: 0 days 00:21:05 I defined Gkstatus::auth
It was fine with previous 2.2
variants...But now with this rule telnet is not able to connect to GK. I saw log
file it says myIP not found in allow list, even though i defined that
Plz see this.