i was doing some debugging the other day on a machine with some traffic on it and was thinking of a feature that would be of great benefit to me. when doing a tail -f on the log, it is difficult to pick out the specific call im trying to debug. it would be wonderful if we could place GK in debug mode but only display incoming calls from 1 endpoint based on maybe the IP address or even the called number. like debug trc 3 -IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (calls to or from a specific IP address) or debug trc 3 -ANI xxx-xxx-xxxx (for ani of origination endpoint) or debug trc 3 -DN xxx-xxx-xxxx (for dialed number) then only output degug information about these specific calls. maybe you could trace the call based on the GUID or other specific call information. this way i could troubleshoot problem with 1 call or customer and not look at degug information for all such other calls or registration informations. i have no idea how difficult this would be but sure would be cool. this is how we debug calls on a telephony switch. thanks as always for your considerations. regards ray ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email sponsored by Black Hat Briefings & Training. Attend Black Hat Briefings & Training, Las Vegas July 24-29 - digital self defense, top technical experts, no vendor pitches, unmatched networking opportunities. Visit www.blackhat.com _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/