Further thoughts on this...
Rolf Sponsel wrote:
Andreas Sikkema wrote:
openh323gk-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I can't make that work. MyPhone registers with GnuGK and a connection seems to be established with openam, but I never get to hear the message.
I'd guess your firewall is blocking the RTP and RTCP traffic from the Voxgratia openam to your client.
This ought *not* be the case; if so, then I would expect MyPhone failing to call the VoxGratia openam too, when *not* proxying via GNUgk.
Or would such a conclusion be an erroneus one?
<>I can see all(?) the RTP and RTCP packages traveling
between my local machine (running the GK, behind the
firewall) and the remote at voxgratia with ethereal.
<>... SNIP ...
I'm trying to nail down the nature of this my problem by excluding as many any non-issues as possible.
As before, any help with this is *very much* appreciated.
<>Kind Regards,
-- ---- ------ --------
Rolf Sponsel
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