Least Cost Routing ideas and survey

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I am so happy to see the interest in least cost routing! Michal has said that the CVS will support a method of RADIUS/MySQL least cost routing making use of some cisco RADIUS attributes, but that it wil only work for a single least cost route, not an ordered list of routes. I really want to encourage the users to encourage the developers to raise the importance of this feature. I agree with Ray Jackman that the LCR method should do something like the following.

gnugk sends a destination number to the radius server.

radius replies with the follwoing

1. access-accept (required)
2. max-call-dur (optional)
3. multi-least cost routes
a. i suggest that the be allowance for having the radius/mysql also handle digit manipulation to prepend carrier required prefixes
4. rolling down the list of least cost routes based on failure rules
a. do not roll on "user busy", "user alerted, but no answer", "unassinged number"
b. do roll on all other causes
c. i would love for this to also be user configurable on what q931 release codes to roll on.
5. accurate cdr generation on rolling
a. when 5 least cost routes are returned, and you roll across 1-4 because of failure, a cdr should be cut each time, but with some variable added to indicate this was a failure due to a roll and was not the last route in the list.
the reason for this is to accuratly keep track of customer ASR (if 1-4 fails and 5 completes, it is marked as a complete for the customer ASR, but carriers 1-4 get a failure CDR)

I would really like to hear everyones feedback on my proposal here. And I also want to recognize that these features might not be the primary concern of the developers or other users, but those of us needing this should band together and make aware our wants/needs. (and maybe make some $$ donations to get this higher on the priority list!)

David Winter Senior Network Engineer Planet-Telecom, Inc. Tampa FL (813)901-5182 Office (813)864-3162 Direct (813)817-4204 Mobile (813)881-9762 Fax ------------------------------------------ AIM: mobofool ICQ: 3563403 MSN: dwinter@xxxxxx Y!: vt_fool

Pavel Jezek wrote:

seems to be most popular question, last time ;-)
I thing, that currently this feature isn't available in GNUGK 2.0.8 nor 2.2
but maybe, is under development (?)

----- Original Message ----- From: Sait KARALAR To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: least cost rounting and failed calls.


Can anybody help me about least cost routing and failed calls (due to the network error and/or remote endpoint not respoding and/or endpoint have not enough port to handle call)

have a solution ?

contact with me at
sait at karalar.com

Current Version:
gnugk 2.0.8 (linux binary with mysql, pgsql, radius, no ldap)

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